As used in this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows:
   (a)   "Abandoned motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle which is left on private property for more than seventy-two (72) hours without the permission of the person owning or having possession of the property, or any motor vehicle which is left on public property for forty-eight (48) hours or longer without notifying the County Sheriff or chief of police having territorial jurisdiction thereof.
   (b)   "Collector's motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle twenty-five (25) years or older having a fair market value of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or more, whether operable or not, that is owned, operated, collected, preserved, restored, maintained or used essentially as a collector's item, leisure pursuit or investment, but not as the owner's principal means of transportation.
   (c)   "Junk motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle meeting any combination of the criteria below:
      (1)   Three (3) years old or older;
      (2)   Extensively damaged, such as missing a wheel, tire, motor or transmission;
      (3)   Apparently inoperable;
      (4)   Having a fair market value of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or less.
   (d)   "Unlicensed motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle, whether operable or not, required to be licensed pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 4503 when used on public roads or highways, but not so licensed, or any motor vehicle whose license has expired for longer than thirty (30) days.
   (e)   "Private property" means any real property within the County which is privately owned or used for solely private operations.
   (f)   "Public property" means any public street, highway, road, alley, sidewalk, bikeway and the right of way thereof; any property open to the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking; and any property owned or operated by the County, any township and any municipality.
      (Ord. 88-273. Approved 5-18-88; Ord. 2021-384. Adopted 12-6-21.)