There shall be a Department of Public Information under the direction of the County Executive. The Department of Public Information shall be responsible, to the extent permitted by the Ohio Constitution, for carrying out the following functions for and on behalf of all offices, officers, agencies, departments, boards, commissions or other public body, other than a separate political subdivision, that is supported in whole or in part from taxes levied, or other financial assistance provided, by the County:
   (1)   Assisting in the implementation of public policy through appropriate communication;
   (2)   Assisting the news media in coverage of the activities of the County government;
   (3)   Reporting to the people of the County on County activities;
   (4)   Improving communication with the employees of the County;
   (5)   Increasing the County government’s sensitivity to the concerns of its people;
   (6)   Educating people as to the functions and services of the County and how to access them; and
   (7)   In cooperation with other County officials having responsibility for economic development, promoting the County as a good place to live, to work and to invest.
      (Added 11-7-95.)