(a)    Membership and Purpose. A Consumer Affairs Advisory Board is hereby created to promote the enforcement of laws relating to unfair, deceptive, or unconscionable sales practices and predatory lending practices and to educate consumers and businesses about laws relating to such practices. The Board shall consist of the following five (5) representatives, who shall be appointed by the County Executive and subject to confirmation by County Council:
      (1)    Two (2) members shall represent a business/financial interest group.
      (2)    Two (2) members shall represent a consumer interest group.
      (3)    One (1) member shall represent an economically disadvantaged interest group.
   (b)    Term. Each member shall serve a four (4) year term commencing on July 1, 2013. A member appointed to fill a vacancy serves the rest of the unexpired term.
   (c)    Officers. The Board shall elect one member as Chair and another as vice chair, each to serve at the pleasure of the Board.
   (d)    Compensation. Members of the Board receive no compensation for their services.
   (e)    Meetings. The Board shall meet at least twice a year, at times designated by the Board.
   (f)    Duties and Responsibilities.
      (1)    Review the programs of the Office of Consumer Affairs and make recommendations to the County Executive and Deputy Director for the improvement of said programs.
      (2)    Review the annual budget of the Office of Consumer Affairs prior to submission to County Council.
      (3)    Review the annual report for the Office of Consumer Affairs prior to submission to County Council.
      (4)    Advise the Office of Consumer Affairs in carrying out its duties.
      (5)    Review and make recommendations to the Office of Consumer Affairs, County Executive or County Council on any matter related to consumer protection.
(Ord. 2013-093. Adopted 4-15-13.)