(a) Policy. The County of Summit appointing authorities are firmly committed to selecting and employing qualified persons for all available positions. Discriminating against job applicants on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic to the extent protected by law is prohibited.
(Ord. 2004-596. Adopted 2-14-05; Ord. 2009-475. Adopted 11-30-09.)
(Ord. 2004-596. Adopted 2-14-05; Ord. 2009-475. Adopted 11-30-09.)
(b) Recruitment. Each appointing authority shall notify the HRD of the existence of any classifications that the appointing authority intends to fill that requires an announcement to be posted by the HRD. Classified positions which become open shall be filled, as practicable, by promotion of present employees of the appointing authority. If no internal candidates are found to be qualified to fill a particular position opening, then the appointing authority shall recruit suitable candidates from the general public. The overall goal is to recruit the best qualified person for the position.
(c) Age. The County of Summit will maintain the following minimum age standards: Applicants shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older, except in certain temporary classifications where the minimum age required is sixteen (16) years of age. Applicants enrolled in high school cooperative or employment programs, minority apprenticeship, or entry level and disadvantaged youth program can be considered at sixteen (16) years of age.
(d) Posting. Upon receipt of a requisition from an appointing authority, the HRD will post a classification announcement on the HRD employment website for the opening. All non- bargaining classified positions that require posting, shall be posted for a minimum of three (3) days. Each announcement shall identify the classification to be filled, the appointing authority under whom the classification will function, a statement of minimum qualifications, general duties, essential functions, minimum salary and/or hourly rate and whether a background check, examination(s), or drug and alcohol screening is required. Each notice must contain a posting period which includes a beginning and final date for application.
(e) Applications. Any persons interested in being considered for a posted classified position shall file an online application with the HRD by the end of the posting period. Employees of the appointing authority shall be given the opportunity to apply for any classified position within the jurisdiction of the appointing authority.
(1) False Statements. False statements by employees and applicants for employment shall be deemed cause for the exclusion of an applicant from employment or for discharge of an employee from service.
(2) Character and Fitness. Any evidence, deemed satisfactory by the appointing authority, that an applicant has committed acts which would be detrimental to successful performance of the employment sought shall be sufficient to exclude that applicant from consideration for employment with the appointing authority.
(3) Medical Examinations. Final candidates for appointment may be required to undergo a medical examination prior to appointment. Such examinations may only be required after a conditional offer of employment.
(4) Drug and Alcohol Testing. Applicants are required to undergo drug and alcohol testing prior to original appointment.
(f) Appointments. All appointments are at the sole discretion of the appointing authority of the jurisdiction where the vacancy is being filled. Appointments shall be based solely on the qualifications of applicants as ascertained through fair and practical selection methods used to determine an applicant's ability to perform the duties of the position. Those involved in the selection process shall give proper consideration to such factors as education, experience, skills and character. It is the responsibility of each appointing authority to ensure that all of these policies and procedures are followed.
(g) Outside Employment. Any full-time employee, paid by warrant of the Fiscal Officer of the County of Summit, is prohibited from simultaneously holding other full-time public employment with any County of Summit office, agency and/or department. If an employee is employed elsewhere, at no time may such employment conflict with the goals and programs of the appointing authority. Such a conflict may result in a request to refrain from such activities. A refusal may result in dismissal.
(Ord. 2004-596. Adopted 2-14-05; Ord. 2015-269. Adopted 8-31-15.)
(Ord. 2004-596. Adopted 2-14-05; Ord. 2015-269. Adopted 8-31-15.)
(h) Staffing Report. No later than December 31st of each year, unless such time deadline is extended as set forth herein, Council shall adopt a Report on Staffing (hereinafter "Report"), which shall set each classification, and within each classification the number of full-time and part-time positions, either regular or temporary, for the upcoming calendar year for each County department, office, agency, authority, board and commission. No County department, office, agency, authority, board or commission may exceed the number of full-time and part-time positions, either regular or temporary, set forth in the adopted Report without amendment by County Council.
No person shall be appointed in contradiction to the annually adopted Report. The Executive's Department of Human Resources shall verify as part of any personnel action that the hiring, promotion, transfer or demotion of a person into a position with the Fiscal Officer, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Engineer, Prosecutor, Sheriff, County Council, County Executive, Department of Internal Auditing, Department of Information Technology or Human Resource Commission is consistent with the staffing levels set forth in the Report. For each other County department, office, agency, authority, board and commission, the human resource department overseeing that entity shall verify that the hiring, promotion, transfer or demotion of a person into a position is consistent with the staffing levels set forth in the Report.
Pursuant to Section 183.03, the Report shall be submitted by the Executive to Council on or before November 15th of each year with either the proposed temporary or permanent operating budget for the next fiscal year, and may be amended by Council prior to adoption. The Report shall not be used to subvert the requirements of Section 169.13 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Summit regarding layoffs and abolishment. Council may extend the deadline for the adoption of the Report on Staffing for a given calendar year, upon approval of 2/3 of the members of Council. In the event the deadline is extended, the Report on Staffing for the preceding year shall remain in effect until the adoption of the Report on Staffing for the new calendar year.
(Ord. 2009-111. Adopted 3-30-09; Ord. 2011-543. Adopted 12-12-11; Ord. 2015-269. Adopted 8-31-15.)
(i) Temporary Hiring Freeze. Commencing April 14, 2020 and terminating December 31, 2020, no person shall be hired for initial employment by the Fiscal Officer, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Engineer, Prosecutor, County Council, County Executive, Department of Internal Auditing, Office of Information Technology or the Human Resource Commission except as set forth herein.
This section is not intended to limit, and shall not limit, the ability of a current employee of the County to transfer or be promoted to a vacant position in any of the aforementioned offices from within any of the aforementioned offices, between any of the aforementioned offices or from any other Summit County appointing authority, office, agency, board or commission, provided that vacant positions funded in whole or in part with general fund dollars may not be filled except through the transfer or promotion of employees currently funded in whole or in part by the general fund. Furthermore, any position that has been posted for hiring by any of the aforementioned offices prior to April 14, 2020 may be filled.
In the event any of the aforementioned offices are able to demonstrate that the filling of an existing position by hiring a new employee is necessary for the effective and continued operation of the office, County Council may adopt a Resolution authorizing the hiring of a person to fill said vacancy as an exception to this Section.
This section shall not prohibit the hiring of Sheriff Deputies to fill vacant positions contained in the 2020 budget for the employment of Sheriff Deputies. Seasonal employees may be hired by any office that has historically hired seasonal employees to perform functions and responsibilities of that office, and this Section shall not be construed to prohibit or limit the hiring of said seasonal employees, provided that the employment of those employees shall terminate upon the completion of all seasonal work. Youth employees may be hired by any office as part of a Workforce Investment Act youth employment program, provided that the employment of those employees shall terminate upon the completion of their involvement in the youth employment program. (Ord. 2020-095. Adopted 4-13-20.)
Employee Status. All employees of the County of Summit shall be categorized as either full-time or part-time and either temporary or regular as defined below:
(1) "Full-time employee" means an employee who works thirty-five (35) to forty (40) hours per week or averages seventy to eighty (70-80) hours per pay period on a regularly scheduled basis.
(2) "Part-time employee" means an employee who works less than thirty (30) hours per week or averages less than sixty (60) hours per pay period.
(3) "Temporary employee" means an employee who works for a period not to exceed six (6) months within a one (1) year period or who works equal to or less than one thousand two hundred and forty-eight (1,248) hours within a one (1) year period.
(4) "Regular employee" means an employee who is not temporary
(Ord. 2004-596. Adopted 2-14-05; Ord. 2011-380. Adopted 11-7-11; Ord. 2022-310. Adopted 11-7-22.)
(a) Work Day. The standard County work day shall consist of eight (8) hours of work with at least a thirty (30) minute but no more than one (1) hour unpaid lunch period, to be scheduled by the appointing authority, except as otherwise may be defined in a collective bargaining agreement. Thirty-five (35) to forty (40) hours of work are considered the normal work week and Monday through Friday the normal work period.
(b) Pay Period. All employees are paid every other Friday for the pay period ending one week prior. If a holiday should occur on a Friday on which a pay day falls, then paychecks shall be issued on the preceding Thursday. Pay advances are not permitted.
(c) Overtime. Non-exempt employees, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219, as amended) ("FLSA"), shall be entitled, with the prior approval of the appointing authority, to overtime or compensatory leave at one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular rate of pay for hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. Holidays, sick leave, vacation or other paid leave shall not be considered time actually worked for the purposes of calculating overtime. The County of Summit complies fully with the provisions of the FLSA, which establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments. FLSA compliance and administration shall be enforced by the County Executive’s Human Resource Department (“HRD”) in accordance with the FLSA and overtime policies and procedures adopted by the HRD.
(Ord. 2004-596. Adopted 2-14-05; Ord. 2011-380. Adopted 11-7-11.)