As authorized by Am. Sub. H.B. 448, The Summit County Child Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee (“SCCMMRC”) of SCCSB is hereby designated as the child fatality review board of the County of Summit, is renamed the “Summit County Child Fatality Review Board” and vested with all powers vested in and all duties imposed upon a county child fatality review board by Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.621 through 307.629 and any other applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and the Codified Ordinances of the County of Summit. The Review Board shall hereafter exist as a county board and shall adopt bylaws necessary to comply with the powers and duties of a child fatality review board as stated in Am. Sub. H.B. 448 and any applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the Joint Commission on Agency Rule Review of the Ohio General Assembly.
(Ord. 2001-261. Adopted 5-7-01.)