All money received from Special Service Charges and other fees under Section 942.15 shall be credited to the Special Surface Water Management Fund. All Special Service Charges and other fees collected under Section 942.15 from Zoned Lots or Tracts within the Special Service Area shall be used for: (i) administration of the Special District and (ii) County Ditches, Drainage Systems, Surface Water Management Facilities and/or Improvements and/or Surface Water Management Programs that benefit Developed Land or Undeveloped Land within the Special Service Area. All Surface Water Management Service Charges and other fees collected under this Chapter that were billed prior to the revision of this Chapter in 2021 shall be exclusively used for projects benefitting Bath Township. The Special Service Area shall be considered to benefit under this provision where fees are used to improve or maintain a Drainage System, in whole or in part, that is within the Special Service Area or that conveys Surface Water flowing into or out of the Special Service Area. Interest earned on money held within the Special Surface Water Management Fund shall be credited to that fund.
(Ord. 2022-191. Adopted 6-27-22.)