(a)    County Council has the authority to establish and revise from time to time a schedule of Special Service Charges to be billed and collected from all owners of Zoned Lots or Tracts of Developed Land within the Special Service Area to fund the Surface Water Management Program and the operation of the Special District.
   (b)    All Zoned Lots and Tracts within the Special Service Area, unless specifically exempted as set forth in Section 942.18 of these Codified Ordinances, shall be annually billed a Special Service Charge of $4.00 per month, or at a rate otherwise set by County Council, for each ERU calculated by the County Engineer to be charged against that Zoned Lot or Tract pursuant to Section 942.13 of these Codified Ordinances. The Special Service Charge shall be used to fund and administer the Special District and Surface Water Management Program and to perform studies necessary for fulfilling these duties. County Council may establish and revise the Special Service Charge as necessary to properly fund and administer the Special District and Surface Water Management Program, provided that any increase in the Special Service Charge during the ten-year period after which the Special Service Area is first established shall not exceed, on a cumulative basis, a rate of increase greater than the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for that same period. County Council shall be permitted to increase the Special Service Charge in excess of the CPI-U if such increase is requested by a resolution of the legislative body of the political subdivision of the Special Service Area.
   (c)    Developed Land receiving a Homestead Exemption will be granted a twenty-five percent (25%) reduction in the Special Service Charge.
   (d)    Developed Land located in assessed subdivisions for which annual assessments pursuant to Revised Code Chapter 6137 are being charged will be granted a twenty-five percent (25%) reduction in the Special Service Charge. This reduction may be combined with the reduction for Homestead Exemption for a total fifty percent (50%) reduction in the Special Service Charge. (Ord. 2022-191. Adopted 6-27-22.)