(a)   A topographic site plan submitted for permits to build, shall indicate the following items:
      (1)   Elevation at the following points:
         A.   First floor of dwelling, attached garage, unattached garage, and other accessory buildings.
         B.    Finish curb or crown of the street at point of extension of the lot line when in existence.
         C.    Finish grade elevation at each principal corner of the structure.
         D.    Finish grade at both sides of abrupt changes of grade, such as retaining walls and slopes.
         E.    Topography (existing and proposed) including, but not limited to, location of yard drains/basins, swales, elevations as noted above, grading and drainage details for the entire parcel, including the adjacent parcels to the rear and on each side, for a distance of (20’).
      (2)   The scale of the topographic site plan must be not less than one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet.
      (3)    Lot, lot number or other legal identification.
      (4)    Provide dimensions of plot and indicate north point.
      (5)    Dimension of front of building lines, rear and side.
      (6)    Location and dimension of garage, carport and other accessory buildings.
      (7)    Show location of steps, terraces, porches, fences and retaining walls.
      (8)    Show location and dimension of easements, if any.
      (9)    Indicate location, width of street and right of way; indicate type of surface on street.
         (Ord. 2007-501. Adopted 10-15-07.)