(a)    Water Supply. The Developer shall provide evidence that potable water is available in quantities sufficient to supply the proposed Subdivision:
(1)   The County Board of Health may require the submittal of a report by a professional geologist and/or chemical water testing by an OEPA certified laboratory as evidence that the proposed water supply will be adequate, safe and have no negative impact to neighboring drinking water sources. The Developer may be required to drill one (1) or more test wells in the area to be platted.
(2)   All proposed private water systems shall meet the standards of the O.A.C. Chapter 3701-28 and all other applicable laws and regulations.
(3)   If a public water supply is proposed, the Developer shall provide a complete water distribution system including a service connection to each lot or dwelling unit. Public water distribution systems shall meet the requirements of the OEPA or other appropriate water purveyor and shall meet the rules and Regulations of the Township Sewer and Water Board, if applicable.
   (b)    Wastewater Treatment Systems. The Developer shall provide evidence that a safe and sanitary wastewater treatment system will serve the proposed Subdivision.
(1)   Lots proposed to be served by individual treatment systems will require approval by the OEPA and the County Board of Health in accordance with these Subdivision Regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations.
(2)   If a public sanitary sewer system is proposed, the Developer shall provide public sanitary sewers to all lots or dwelling units including lateral connections to the public systems. Public sewer system extensions shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, other appropriate sewer authorities and all other applicable laws and regulations.
(3)   If a private sanitary sewer system is proposed, it shall be operated by a governmental agency or a private corporation with appropriate OEPA licenses and permits.
         (Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)