The geometric design of roads in Subdivisions shall conform with the Access Management Manual and the following:
(a) Sight Distance. All Subdivision roads and roads intersecting an existing state, county and township roadway must have proper sight distance. The requirements for sight distance are in the County Engineer Specs and Details.
(b) Right-of-Way Widths. The minimum right-of-way width for all Subdivisions shall be as shown in Table 1.
This minimum width shall be increased by easements where and to the extent the County Engineer deems it necessary to conform with topographic, construction and drainage features. The right-of-way shall be cleared of all obstructions unless otherwise approved by the County Engineer.
(c) Pavement Width. The pavement width for each road class shall be as shown in Table 1 and in the County Engineer Specs and Details.
(d) Location of Utilities Within a Dedicated Public Right-of-Way. All main line utilities shall be located outside of the pavement structure to insure the safety of the traveling public from hazards such as: settlement of the trench from poor compaction, repairs to the main line, service connections and general maintenance. When conflicts arise with other utilities, the geometry of the proposed road, or other conditions; limited sections of utilities will be considered for placement underneath the pavement structure. The layout of these utilities will be reviewed on a case by case basis and must be given approval prior to final design.
(e) Shoulders, Ditches and Slopes. The minimum requirements for shoulders, ditches and slopes shall be as shown in the typical sections of the County Engineer Specs and Details.
(f) Street Intersections. No more than four (4) road legs will be permitted at any intersection. Road intersections shall be at ninety (90) degrees where practical, but in no case less than seventy (70) degrees. Each intersecting road shall have a tangent distance of at least one hundred (100) feet for local roads or a curve with a minimum fourteen hundred (1,400) foot radius, and two hundred (200) feet for collector roads or a curve with a minimum of nineteen hundred (1,900) foot radius. Roads intersecting another road from opposite sides shall be at least three hundred (300) feet apart, measured between centerlines. The minimum radius of right-of- way lines and pavement at intersection corners shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Drainage should be directed away from the intersection as shown in Figure 401-2 of the ODOT Location and Design Manual, Volume 1. Street jogs with centerline offsets shall be prohibited unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission and County Engineer.
(g) Horizontal Alignment. At the Point of Intersection or tangent Intersection, curves shall be installed having minimum radii as shown on Table 1.
(h) Vertical Alignments. Maximum and Minimum Grades for roads shall be as shown on Table 1. The minimum grade for roadside ditches shall be greater than or equal to 0.5%. Simple parabolic vertical curves shall be used to effect a gradual change between tangent grades where the algebraic difference of grades in percent is greater than 0.5%.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)