Township Zoning approval of a Planned Residential Development does not constitute either preliminary or final Subdivision approval.
Planned Residential Developments, also known as Planned Unit Developments or Conservation Developments are separate entities with a distinct character and which are intended to be in harmony with surrounding developments. The project must clearly demonstrate that natural features and substantial Open Space is being preserved, that amenities are being provided which would enhance the livability of the project and that can only be achieved as a Planned Residential Development and such attributes of the project could not be achieved with strict adherence to these Subdivision Regulations.
The purpose of a Planned Residential Development is to promote the following goals:
(a) Minimize development on and destruction of sensitive natural resource areas;
(b) Reduce the quantity and improve the quality of storm water runoff from expected development;
(c) Maintain natural characteristics (such as woods, hedgerows, natural vegetation, wetlands, meadows, slopes and streams);
(d) Reduce the amount of disturbed land, and the conversion of natural areas to landscaped areas for lawns; and
(e) Maintain a traditional rural settlement pattern characterized by compact groups of development in otherwise wide-open spaces.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)