The Developer shall furnish the following:
    (a)    Preliminary Plan Application and Review Fee. (See, Appendix B).
   (b)    Vicinity Map. The map shall show the relationship of the proposed Subdivision to existing community facilities which serve or influence it. The Vicinity Map may be on the same sheet as the Preliminary Plan drawing and shall be drawn at a scale of 1" = 3,000' at the minimum. The Vicinity Map shall show the following:
(1)   Subdivision name, township, tract, and original lot or section number, and north arrow.
(2)   Existing and proposed map of traffic arteries.
(3)   Any other significant community activity or features.
   (c)   Preliminary Plan Drawings. The Preliminary Plan shall be drawn on mylar or paper (not to exceed a sheet size 24" by 36") and shall be at a scale of not more than one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch (1" = 100'). Drawings shall also be submitted in digital format. The preferred digital formats are: (1) ESRI shapefile, (2) AutoCAD DXF. The preferred coordinate system in State Plane NAD 83 Ohio North. The applicant shall also submit an Adobe Acrobat PDF file version of the drawing for distribution purposes. The Preliminary Plan shall be prepared in accordance with these Subdivision Regulations by a registered professional engineer or registered professional surveyor licensed in the State of Ohio. The Plan shall be accurately and clearly drawn, signed, sealed and shall be based on a boundary determined by a registered professional surveyor. The drawing shall include the proposed plan of the Subdivision, and shall show the following:
(1)   Identification.
A.   Proposed name of Subdivision (must not duplicate another in the County), Township, tract or original lot or section number.
B.   Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of owners, Developer, and registered professional surveyor or registered professional engineer with appropriate numbers and seals.
C.   Scale (1" = 100') maximum, north arrow and date. Where necessary, the Preliminary Plan may be on several sheets and shall be accompanied by an index sheet that will allow the entire Subdivision to be shown on one (1) 24" x 36" plan.
(2)   Existing Data.
A.   Deed description showing bearings and distances and acreage as determined by a registered professional surveyor.
B.   Easements - blankets, location, width, and purpose.
C.    Streets on and adjacent to the improvements and Subdivision, including but not limited to: names, location, right-of-way, and roadway width; planned public improvements; highways; other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction.
D.   Location of proposed underground utilities on or near the subdivision, including journalized routes for highways.
E.   Existing utilities on and adjacent to the Subdivision: location and size of sanitary and storm sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines. If water mains, sewers, and/or culverts are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to and size of nearest one.
F.   Existing ground elevations in the Subdivision: show contours with an interval of two (2) feet.
G.   Subsurface conditions in the Subdivision - any conditions that are not typical such as abandoned mines, existing oil and gas wells.
H.   Drainage information, including streams, and drainage ways in the proposed Subdivision shall be shown on the Plan. The applicant shall review drainage information, including streams and drainages within 200 feet upstream and downstream of the proposed Subdivision, for development design purposes. (This 200 foot limitation is not indicative of the size of the watershed that will be required to be studied prior to acceptance of the Final Plat.)
I.   Other conditions in the Subdivision or on adjacent land within two hundred (200) feet:
i.    Ponds, and lakes.
ii.   Floodplains and areas subject to flooding. The base flood elevation data and the boundary of the flood hazard area(s) shall be delineated on the Preliminary Plan. If there are no flood hazard areas in the Subdivision pursuant to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) then a statement shall be provided on the Preliminary Plan indicating same.
iii.    Rock outcroppings.
iv.    Wooded area, and other environmentally sensitive areas.
v.    Any structures or other significant features.
vi.   Approximate direction and gradient of ground slope including any embankments or retaining walls.
vii.    Location and type of building, tree lines, etc.
viii.    Railroad lines and/or rights-of-way.
ix.    Power lines, poles and towers.
x.    Land use and adjacent zoning district boundaries.
xi.   Owners of adjacent unplatted land (for adjacent platted land refer to subdivision plat by name, plat book and pages).
xii.   Oil and/or gas wells, above ground and underground storage tanks and separator units, and the associated utility and service lines if known.
xiii.    Water wells.
xiv.    Septic Tanks and leach beds.
xv.    Known construction debris disposal sites.
xvi.    Existing fire ponds.
J.   Soils in the Subdivision shall be identified and as described in the Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey for Summit County - http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/ HomePage.htm. Boundaries of the soils in the Subdivision shall be indicated on the Preliminary Plan. Also refer to Section 1105.02(a), Soils.
K.   All wetlands will be delineated by a qualified professional under guidelines established by the USACE and OEPA. (Refer to Section 1105.02(c) for wetlands boundary and delineation procedure).
L.   If the proposed Subdivision is within an area of expected low groundwater yields (10 gallons per minute or less) pursuant to the map entitled "Ground Water Resources of Summit County, Ohio GWR 14" (Alfred C. Walker, revised by James Schmidt, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 1994), the Developer shall submit groundwater availability data to the Planning Commission to ensure that an adequate water supply exists to serve the Subdivision. (Refer to Fact Sheet 94-35 ODNR Division of Soil and Water Resources, "Low Yield Wells: Water Supply Systems").
M.   If the proposed Subdivision is to be served by an existing public or private water system, the Developer shall obtain a letter stating that the water system has the capacity and will serve the proposed Subdivision.
N.    Zoning requirements: (refer to Section 1103.07(c)(2)A.)
i.    District.
ii.    Lot size and yard requirements.
iii.   Proof of any variances or special exceptions which may have been granted, which have a bearing on the subdivision.
(3)   Proposals.
A.   Streets - show proposed streets (indicate each street by name), right- of-way widths, classification (arterials, collector, or local as designated by the County Engineer), and proposed Iimprovements. The County Engineer may also require profiles of approximate street grades. Proposed road names shall not duplicate existing road names recorded in the County.
B.    Other rights-of-way or easements - location, width, and purpose.
C.   Lots - numbers, dimensions, and the area shall be given for each lot. Show boundaries of proposed phases of the Subdivision, if applicable.
D.    Minimum building setback lines.
E.   Land parcels within the Subdivision not to be divided into lots shall be shown as blocks and labeled by consecutive letters and proposed use, and any limitations of use.
F.   Common areas reserved or dedicated for open space, parks, playgrounds, water and sewage treatment sites, storm water retention or detention sites, fire ponds or other public uses. For sites reserved for public use or common use of property owners, for parks, playgrounds, or other uses, a description of any proposed covenants, conditions and restrictions must be submitted with the Preliminary Plan. Said description shall be in preliminary draft format and include agreements and provisions for any community association membership and responsibility. Said description shall include a plan for administration, and maintenance of all proposed common property, but it need not include condominium property to be titled to individual owners. The required description shall include a description of the enabling declaration; the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions, the articles of incorporation; and the corporate by-laws as these apply to ownership of and maintenance of common open space and common facilities.
G.   Sites for other uses - multi-family dwellings, shopping facilities, churches, industry, or other non-public uses exclusive of single- family dwellings.
H.   Generalized Landscaping Plan shall include locations for the following proposed generalized landscape features:
i.    Trees, shrubbery and ground cover groupings.
ii.    Buffers/ mounding.
iii.    Entry features.
iv.    Street medians (if applicable).
I.   Street Lighting Plan including cut sheet of proposed fixtures (if applicable). Street lighting may be public lighting along the street right-of-way or at intersections and/or include outside lamps located on private property.
J.   Special street signage (if proposed), such as signage with an historical or unique architectural style (to be reviewed for readability).
K.    A tabulation of the total Subdivision data including:
i.    Area in lots (in acres).
ii.    Area in roads (in acres).
iii.   Areas in Open Spaces, Common Areas, recreation areas, water and sewage treatment sites, and any other public or private sites (in acres).
iv.    Total area in the Subdivision (in acres).
v.    Total length of roads (lineal feet).
vi.    Total number of lots.
vii.   If two family dwelling units or multiple family dwelling units are proposed, a statement regarding the number of buildings and dwelling units contained therein for each proposed lot and the total number of buildings and dwelling units for the entire Subdivision.
L.    The general proposed topography shall be indicated.
M.    Proposals for the control of erosion and stormwater as recommended by Developer and the Developer's Engineer shall be provided to the County Engineer or Summit Soil and Water for review and comment.
N.   Type of water supply and wastewater disposal proposed. Location of all underground sanitary sewer, centralized water and stormwater facilities - immediate and future construction.
O.    Show the location of Riparian Setbacks.
P.   Proposals for fire pond compliance, if applicable, per the township fire department letter.
Q.    Draft of the Special Conditions Agreement.
(4)   Other Information. The Planning Commission or Staff may require other additional information as deemed necessary to fulfill the requirements of these Subdivision Regulations. As part of the Preliminary Plan approval process, it may be determined that the Developer needs to submit a detailed geotechnical study to the County Engineer or to Summit Soil and Water or other County of Summit agencies, to determine the adequacy of the soils located within the proposed subdivision.
         (Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)