The Concept Plan and accompanying report as required per Section 1103.07(b) shall contain the following information:
(b) Name for File Identification. The proposed development shall be given a name for identification purposes, such name being unique to the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Summit County in order to avoid duplication and confusion with previously recorded plats. The name shall be included if known at the time of application.
(c) Location and Description of Property. Location of property by township, section number, and north arrow.
(d) Boundary of the Property. The boundary of the property shall be shown by bold lines.
(e) Existing Rights-of-Way; Buildings. The true relationship between the boundary of the property and the rights-of-way of existing roads upon which it may border. Existing buildings shall be shown.
(f) Sketch of Proposal. Show general lot and roadway layout including blocks with the proposed use defined. Show alternative road layouts that may be proposed. Show the relationship of existing roadways to proposed roadways in each alternative layout. Drawings shall also be submitted in digital format. The preferred digital formats are: (1) ESRI shapefile, and (2) AutoCAD DXF. The preferred coordinate system is State Plane NAD 83 Ohio North. The applicant shall also submit an Adobe Acrobat PDF file version of the drawing for distribution purposes.
(g) Preliminary Inventory and Analysis of the Site and Any Adjacent Properties. To the extent that they relate to the site, the Concept Plan shall include an inventory and preliminary analysis which shall address topography; soils, water bodies, wetlands, Riparian Setbacks, fire ponds and drainage; historic features; adjacent and on-site land uses and zoning, utilities and related easements and any other easements of record; roadways and traffic circulation; and other information critical to an understanding of the capability of the site to accommodate the proposed Development.
(h) Topography. Show existing topography with contours at two (2) foot intervals, streams, springs, wetlands, buildings or other features likely to affect the plan.
(i) Flood Limits and Environmental Constraints. If any part of the proposed subdivision is subject to flooding, a line indicating the water surface elevation of the one hundred (100) year flood shall be shown on the drawing. Other natural features of significant public interest sensitive to improvements shall be indicated.
(j) Zoning District. Show zoning districts as obtained from the Township Zoning Administrator. Proposed lots and setbacks shall be in conformance with the Township Zoning Resolution.
(k) Utilities. Describe the method of sewage disposal and water supply being proposed and to be reviewed by the Department of Sanitary Sewer Services and/or County Board of Health and/or the local water and sewer provider. If wells are being proposed for water supply, then current data on groundwater availability (including quantity and quality) shall be submitted.
(l) Traffic Information. Refer to AMATS for existing data.
(m) Compliance with Engineer’s Traffic Access Manual.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-555. Adopted 12-14-15; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16; Ord. 2023-339. Adopted 11-27-23.)