(a)   Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish guidelines concerning the protection of the public potable water supply from contamination or pollution by isolating within the consumer's water system contaminants or pollutants which could backflow through the service connection into the public potable water system. Further, provisions are made for the maintenance of a continuing program of cross-connection control which will systematically and effectively prevent the contamination or pollution of the public and consumer's potable water system.
   (b)   Policy. The Director of Sanitary Sewer Services shall be responsible for the protection of the public potable water system from contamination due to backflow of contaminants through the water service connection. If, in the judgment of the Director, an approved backflow prevention device is necessary at the water service connection to any consumer's premises for the safety of the water system, the Director or his authorized representative shall give notice to the consumer to install such approved backflow prevention device at each service connection to his premises. The consumer shall install such approved device or devices at his own expense within thirty (30) calendar days of written approval. Any failure, refusal or inability on the part of the consumer to install such device or devices immediately shall constitute grounds for discontinuing water service to the premises until such device or devices have been installed.
(Res. 92-824. Approved 12-29-92; Ord. 2015-555. Adopted 12-14-15.)