(a) The Clerk of Council shall compile the agenda for each meeting. The Clerk shall assign each piece of legislation or Motion of Council a number upon filing. This number will be permanently affixed to the legislation or the Motion of Council. The Clerk shall have exclusive custody of all items appearing on the agenda upon delivery and such items may be withdrawn only as provided herein.
(b) County Elected Officials may request legislation be considered by Council for adoption. Such request shall be directed to the County President on a form prescribed by the Clerk of Council. Pursuant to Article II of the Charter, the County Executive may introduce ordinances and resolutions for consideration by Council.
(c) Legislation submitted for Council consideration shall meet the established minimum guidelines as set forth herein. Items that are presented without meeting these established guidelines will appear on the agenda under the heading “Incomplete Legislation”. Council may then consider the legislation for first reading.
Established Minimum Guidelines for Submittal of Legislation to Council:
(1) Proposed legislation may be placed on the agenda following delivery of the proposed legislation to the Clerk of Council in written form in hard copy and electronic copy prior to 10:00 a.m. of the Thursday prior to a Regular Council Meeting. The legislation shall include the title and sponsor and shall be accompanied by a Legislative Summary Sheet attached that notes the department contact person for purposes of inquiry, the purpose of the proposed legislation, Council district(s) affected, history/background information, financial information, including, but not limited to, financial impact of the proposed legislation, prior approvals received, and any evaluation completed or to be completed related to the proposal. The Clerk of Council shall prescribe the form and instructions for the Legislation Summary Sheet.
(2) Legislation must be submitted with all pertinent exhibits, agreements, and attachments referred to in the legislation.
(3) All legislation for change orders to contracts shall reference by number the original legislation, the vendor name and any other pertinent information that would allow expeditious research for tracking the project. The reference shall be in the title and in the body of the legislation.
(4) Legislation shall reference the Council District involved or affected by the action therein, in both the title and the body.
(5) Legislation requiring the emergency clause shall incorporate the standardized “This resolution (or ordinance) is declared to be an emergency in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Summit County, and for the further reason....”. The clause shall appear in both the title (shortened version “declaring an emergency” allowed for title) and in the body of the legislation.
(6) Legislation shall reference in the body the following standardized open meeting clause: “It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution (or Ordinance) were adopted in an open meeting of this Council, and that all deliberations of this Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code”.
(7) Legislation amending the Codified Ordinances shall include all text of the appropriate section, striking through what is being deleted and underlining what is being incorporated into the section.
(d) If a sponsor requests Council to consider for passage legislation after the legislation receives only one reading (First Reading Passage Request), Council will only consider the First Reading Passage Request if the sponsor or the sponsor’s designee contacts the Council staff person assigned to the Committee to which the legislation has been assigned to discuss the First Reading Passage Request.
(e) Items appearing on the agenda may be withdrawn by delivery of the request in writing including the title and number and signed by all sponsors or the sponsors’ authorized designee and all co-sponsors or the co-sponsors’ authorized designee to the Clerk of Council prior to the introduction of the matter in the order of business. Matters withdrawn by this procedure shall be designated “withdrawn” on the record of proceedings. If there are one or more co- sponsors of an item on the Agenda, and a sponsor or co-sponsor requests withdrawal without concurrence of all sponsors and co-sponsors, only the sponsor’s or co-sponsor’s name requesting the withdrawal shall be removed from the item and the item shall remain on the Agenda.
(Ord. 2006-544. Adopted 12-18-06.)