(a)    It shall be unlawful to erect, permit the erection of, display or permit the display of any general business sign in any zoning district unless such sign is expressly permitted by this section, subject to all of the limitations and provisions stated herein.
   (b)    Signs permitted by Section 1383.03 are exempt signs and may not exceed the size, height or setback requirement set forth herein. Neither shall they be added to the maximum total display area of general business signs permitted on any lot, parcel or premises. In the case where an exempt sign exceeds the display area specified in Section 1383.03 for such sign, the sign shall be considered a general business sign and shall be subject to every requirement of this article governing such signs.
   (c)    General business signs may be reader boards, canopy signs, ground signs, projecting signs, off-premises signs, elevated signs, roof signs, wall signs, portable signs, subject to the limitations set forth in this article. Each general business sign may communicate an advertisement for more than one product, service or subject. Off-premises signs and portable signs shall be counted against the maximum total display area of general business signs permitted on the lot, parcel or premises, on which it is located.
   (d)    In the commercial district, C-1, C-2, C-3, and industrial districts, the maximum total display area of all general business signs on any single lot or premises may not exceed five hundred (500) square feet, plus one additional square foot of display area for each foot of setback beyond the setback required by the district in which the development is located. In the shopping center, the center is entitled to the full display area of signage and each separate business in the shopping center is likewise entitled to the same aggregate display area of signage. Furthermore, this allowance is applicable to office and industrial buildings that house more than one business, service or manufacturing operation. However, there shall be no more than one (1) freestanding sign per road frontage for the entire shopping center or multi-occupancy building. An out parcel at a shopping center may also have one freestanding sign per street frontage.
   (e)    No freestanding sign permitted by this article shall exceed the maximum height allowed for all principal structures in the district in which it is located. Hence, when a building is erected to the maximum height allowed in a district, a roof sign may thereby be prohibited.
   (f)   In no case shall any sign or signs, whether exempt or a general business sign, be permitted in a zoning district that exceeds the size, height and setback requirements established by this article. Furthermore, these limits shall not be considered the subject for variance from the terms of this article.
Off-premises advertising sign of greater than 32 square feet in display area, shall not be permitted in the corporate limits of any zoning district
Canopy Signs
Greater than 2 square feet per sign, but not to exceed 50 square feet per sign. See Section 1383.02(4)
Elevated Signs
Not to exceed 300 square feet per sign.
Ground Sign
Not to exceed 100 square feet per sign.
Off-premises sign
Not to exceed 32 square feet per sign.
Open Letter Sign
Not to exceed 200 square feet per sign calculated in accordance with Section 1383.02(33).
Portable Sign
Only one (1) such sign per lot, lot-of-record, parcel or premises. Not to exceed 40 sq. ft. per sign. Permitted only C-1 district.
Projecting Sign
Not to exceed 100 square feet per sign.
Reader Board
Not to exceed 100 square feet per sign.
Roof Sign
Not to exceed 300 square feet per sign.
Wall Sign
Not to exceed 300 square feet per sign.
Exempt Sign
Any exempt sign permitted in a nonresidential district that exceeds the maximum display area for exemption specified in Section 1383.03 is a general business sign and is therefore regulated by Section 1383.08.
(Ord. 10-25-99.)