As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(b) "Camper". A mobile living unit designed to be mounted upon and/or conveyed by another vehicle, and licensed or able to be licensed under West Virginia Motor Vehicle Laws.
(c) "Travel trailer". A mobile home not exceeding eight feet in width nor more than thirty-three feet in length.
(d) "Factory housing". A structure designed for long-term residential use. For the purpose of these regulations, factory-built housing consists of four types: modular homes, manufactured homes, mobile homes, and manufactured units.
(e) “Modular home”. A factory-fabricated, transportable building consisting of units designed to be incorporated at a building site on a permanent foundation into a permanent structure, to be used for residential purposes and which bears a seal of compliance with regulations of the current State Building Code and other applicable building codes adopted by the City by ordinances.
(f) "Manufactured home". A dwelling unit fabricated in an off-site manufacturing facility for installation or assembly at the building site, bearing a label certifying that it is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 USC 5401 et seq.), which became effective June 15, 1976. Under the definition of manufactured homes there are two (2) types.
(1) "Single sectioned manufactured home". For example, consisting of sizes from approximately 670 sq. ft. to 1,200 sq. ft.
(2) "Multi-sectioned manufactured home". For example, consisting of two (2) or more sections and ranging in sizes from approximately 960 sq. ft. to 2,500 sq. ft.
(g) "Mobile home". A transportable, factory-built home, designed to be used as a year-round residential dwelling and built prior to the enactment of the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which became effective June 15, 1976.
(h) "Manufactured units". A unit fabricated in an off-site facility manufactured for the intent of commercial use, as well as those manufactured for use such as storage facilities, office buildings, garages, etc.
(i) "Mobile home park/single section manufactured home park". An area consisting of at least two (2) acres for the renting of space of mobile homes and not used or occupied by the applicant for his or their use.
(j) "Mobile home subdivision/single section manufactured home subdivision". A subdivision designed and intended for residential use where the residences are mobile homes/single section manufactured homes, exclusively, with a minimum size of five (5) acres.
(k) "Mobile home lot/single section manufactured home lot". Mobile home space/single section manufactured home space shall mean a plot of ground outside of a mobile home/single section manufactured home park or subdivision designated for the accommodations of one mobile home, of not less than 3,600 square feet.
(Ord. 4-28-97.)