(A)   The permit application shall demonstrate that the proposed commercial wind generator facility will comply with this chapter.
   (B)   The application shall contain the following:
      (1)   A narrative describing the proposed commercial wind generator facility, including an overview of the project; the project location; the approximate generating capacity of the commercial wind generator facility; the approximate number, representative types and height or range of heights of wind turbines to be constructed, including their generating capacity, dimensions, and respective manufacturers, and a description of ancillary facilities;
      (2)   An affidavit or similar evidence of agreement between the property owner and the facility owner or operator demonstrating that the facility owner or operator has the permission of the property owner to apply for necessary permits for construction and operation of the commercial wind generator facility;
      (3)   Identification of the properties on which the proposed commercial wind generator facility will be located, and the properties adjacent to and within 1,000-foot radius where the commercial wind generator facility will be located;
      (4)   A site plan showing the planned location of each wind turbine, property lines, setback lines, access road and turnout locations, substation(s), electrical cabling from the commercial wind generator facility to the substation(s), ancillary equipment, buildings, and structures, including permanent meteorological towers, associated transmission lines, and layout of all structures within the geographical boundaries of any applicable setback;
      (5)   Documents related to decommissioning;
      (6)   Other relevant studies, reports, certifications, and approvals as may be reasonably requested by the city to ensure compliance with this chapter; and
      (7)   Provide a copy of the agreement between the facility owner and the affected local power company.
   (C)   Within 30 days after receipt of a permit application, the Planning and Zoning Board or its designee will determine whether the application is complete and advise the applicant accordingly.
   (D)   The applicant must appear before the Planning and Zoning Board and Board of Commissioners at the regularly scheduled meetings. The applicant shall participate in the hearings and be afforded an opportunity to present the project to the public and the Planning and Zoning Board and Commission, and answer questions about the project. The public shall be afforded an opportunity to ask questions and provide comment on the proposed project.
      (1)   Neighbors within a 1,000 feet of the property of the proposed wind generator must be notified by certified mail at least 14 calendar days in advance of the scheduled Planning and Zoning Board’s public hearing along with a return receipt requested, of the proposed construction which notice shall include a map of the location of the proposed construction and also:
         (a)   Given the telephone number and address of the facility owner or operator; and
         (b)   Informed of his or her right to participate in the Planning and Zoning Board’s public hearing, with time, date, and location of said public hearing.
      (2)   A list of the property owners who received the notice, together with copies of the certified receipts for the notice sent to the listed property owners shall be provided to the City Finance Officer.
   (E)   Within 30 days after the close of hearing or at the hearing, the Planning and Zoning Board will make their recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to issue or deny the permit application.
   (F)   Throughout the permit process, the applicant shall promptly notify the Finance Officer of any changes to the information contained in the permit application.
   (G)   Changes to the pending application that do not materially alter the initial site plan may be adopted without a renewed public hearing.
(Ord. 19, passed - -2008)