General Provisions
94.01 Authority
94.02 Streets and improvements
94.15 Width and material of sidewalks
94.16 Failure to keep sidewalks in repair; liability
94.17 Notice to construct or repair sidewalk
94.18 Failure of owner to repair sidewalk
94.19 Assessment of sidewalk repair costs
94.20 Filing of assessment for sidewalk construction or repair
94.21 Mailboxes
This municipality shall have the power to regulate the use of sidewalks, streets, alleys, wharves, parks, and public grounds to provide for cleaning the same, to prevent and remove obstructions and encroachments upon the same, to prevent injury to the same, to regulate or prevent any practice having a tendency to annoy persons frequenting the same, and to regulate or prohibit structures under sidewalks and riding and driving thereon pursuant to SDLC § 9-30-2.
(Prior Code, § 94.01)
This municipality shall have the power to lay out, establish, open, vacate, alter, widen, extend, improve, repair, grade, gravel, surface, pave, repave, bridge, construct a viaduct upon or over, erect equipment for street lighting in and otherwise improve, establish, and change the grade of roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, and public grounds, and to regulate the making of openings and connections therein and the erection of lights thereon as provided in SDCL § 9-45-1.
(Prior Code, § 94.15)