(A) No owner of any building or structure shall fail to take steps and perform such maintenance thereto, as may be required from time to time, to ensure the property is safe, sound, sanitary, and secure and does not present a health and/or safety hazard to surrounding properties and to the general populace.
(B) No owner of any unoccupied building or structure shall fail to take such steps as may be required to ensure that these are securely closed so as to prohibit and deter entry thereto and to ensure that no health and/or safety hazard, or threat thereof, is precipitated due to a lack of maintenance or due to neglect.
(C) Owners of any and all unoccupied buildings and/or structures which, through neglect, have deteriorated to the point of being classified as unoccupied hazards, and therefore constitute a severe health and/or safety hazard shall, upon direction of the Borough Council, remove or cause the removal of the building and/or structure.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 1-2-2006) Penalty, see § 91.999