(A)   No person, firm, or corporation shall keep any horse or horses, cow or cows at any place within the borough, except with special permission from the Board of Health.
   (B)   Such permission shall be granted on the following conditions.
      (1)   The place where the horse or horses, cow or cows is proposed to be kept, and the stable or barn to be provided shall be so located that no nuisance shall result therefrom.
      (2)   No stable or barn shall be located within 50 feet of any dwelling house or within 30 feet of any street.
      (3)   Every stable or barn shall be kept in a sanitary condition and free from unpleasant odors and conditions contributing to the breeding of flies.
      (4)   Manure and filth shall not be permitted to accumulate to the annoyance of any resident of the vicinity or persons traveling thereby.
      (5)   Any permission granted by the Board of Health under this section may be revoked thereby at any time when any of the conditions of this section are not complied with.
(Ord. 13-1964, passed 2-11-1964) Penalty, see § 90.99