§ 152.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   The village shall use any or all powers granted to it by G.S. § 160A-175 for enforcing this chapter. A civil penalty in the amount of $1,000 shall be assessed for any violation of this chapter concerning a paved or gravel village street unless sufficient bond has been established and posted with the village. This provision supersedes § 10.99.
   (B)   Upon the issuance of a notice of violation or citation, the Village Manager may suspend any other permits or approvals issued to the violator, including the issuance of a stop-work order, until such time as the violation is cured and any civil penalty paid. An active appeal of the violation to the appropriate village authority shall operate as a stay of the suspension of the permits and approvals, unless the Village Manager determines that allowing the work to continue would constitute a danger to health, life, safety, or property.
   (C)   In the event there is an outstanding penalty amount or unresolved violation of this chapter, the village may require the violation to be remedied as a condition for the issuance of any subsequent permit or approval.
(Prior Code, Ch. 13 § 1309) (Res. R-2019.7, passed 5-21-2019; Res. R-2021.9, passed 6-22-2021; Res. R-2023.3, passed 7-18-2023)