The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of not less than one inch to 200 feet. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a registered surveyor and shall include the following information prior to consideration by the Planning Board.
Name of Subdivision:
Date Submitted:
Address: Tel:
Surveyor: Tel:
Address: Tel:
Address: Tel:
(a) Title Block:
Subdivision name, subdivider’s name, North Arrow, scale (denoted graphically and numerically), date of plat preparation, location of subdivision (township, county and state), name and seal of registered surveyor preparing plat, deed book reference.
(b) Vicinity Map:
A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to the surrounding area.
(c) Tract Boundaries:
The boundaries of the tract or portion thereof to be subdivided, with all bearings and distances shown.
(d) Property Lines:
Property lines and owners’ names of abutting properties and/or abutting subdivisions of record.
(e) Natural Features:
Significant natural features including wooded areas, marshes, major rock outcrops, lakes or streams, or other natural features affecting the site.
(f) Existing Features:
Existing features including buildings, streets, power lines, drainageways, sewer and water lines, utility easements, and village limit lines both on or adjacent to the land to be subdivided.
(g) Topographical Lines:
Topographical contour lines not to exceed five (5’) foot intervals when the area to be subdivided exceeds two (2) acres or has proposed streets which will exceed eight hundred (800) lineal feet. Any land proposed for a hillside subdivision shall be required to submit a topographical mapping at intervals not exceeding five (5’) feet.
(h) Lot and Street Lines:
All proposed lot and street right-of-way lines with approximate dimensions, lot and block numbers; all easements; designation of any dedication or reservations to be made; a notation of building setback lines; and proposed use of land. Designation of public or private streets.
(i) Street Layout:
Typical cross section of proposed streets, vertical grades, and proposed street names. The street design shall incorporate the minimum design standards required by the Department of Transportation. All proposed streets shall be approved by the Public Works Directors and said approval shall accompany the preliminary plat.
(j) Water and Sewer Layout:
Proposed water and sewer system (excluding individual water and sewer systems), including line sizes, approximate location of manholes, pumps, hydrants, force mains, or treatment facilities; and the connection of the proposed system(s) with existing systems. Where approval of water supply or sewage disposal is required by this Ordinance, written verification from the appropriate state or local officials shall accompany the preliminary plat.
(k) Drainage System:
Proposed drainage facilities, including approximate location and dimensions of open drainageways, storm sewers, culverts, retaining ponds, or areas where water is to be diverted through grading. All drainage facilities located within or outside of the street facilities located within or outside of the street right-of-way which would carry runoff from streets shall be designed to the Department of Transportation’s minimum construction standards. Documentation of approval of the street drainage system from the Public Works Director shall accompany the preliminary plat.
(l) Other Improvements:
Proposed location and description of any other improvements including, but not limited to, riding trails, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike ways, reserved open space or recreational facilities, commercial areas, or buffer strips.
(m) Site Data:
Total acreage in tract to be subdivided, smallest lot size (square feet), total number of lots, lineal feet in streets.
(n) Tree Protection Plan and Tree Inventory:
The decision of which trees to preserve as shown on the tree inventory shall be made jointly during the project approval process.
(Prior Code, Ch. 12 Appendix A)