A. Publication Of Notice: No public hearing before the Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals on any appeal, or request or petition for variation, amendment, planned development or special use shall be held unless the notice of time and place of the hearing is published at least once, in one or more newspapers published in the Village, or if none, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the Village.
1. The notice shall be prepared by the zoning official not less than twenty (20) days before the scheduled hearing.
2. The zoning official shall cause said notice to be published not more than thirty (30) nor less than fifteen (15) days before the hearing. The petitioner shall reimburse the Village all costs associated with publication.
B. Notice To Adjacent Owners:
1. The zoning official or designee shall compile a list of all owners, as disclosed by the records of the Recorder of Deeds, or as appears from the authentic tax records of Kane County, of all property within two hundred fifty feet (250') in each direction of the parcel, exclusive of road rights-of-way.
2. The zoning official or designee shall provide said list to the petitioner or applicant who shall cause notice of the public hearing to be mailed to property owners at the addresses identified on the list, not less than fifteen (15), nor more than thirty (30) days before the hearing. Said notice shall include, at a minimum, information set forth in subsection C of this section.
3. Said mailing shall be by registered mail, return receipt requested, and shall be accomplished at the expense of the petitioner or applicant.
4. The petitioner or applicant shall furnish a copy of the notice to adjacent property owners and a written statement certifying that he or she has complied with the requirements of this section. The Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals shall only hear a petition for variation, appeal, special use, or amendment if the petitioner or applicant furnishes the list and certificate herein described.
C. Content Of Notice: The notice of public hearing shall include at least the following information:
1. The address and/or location of the property for which the appeal, variation, amendment, or special use is requested.
2. A brief statement of the nature of the request.
3. Existing zoning classification.
4. Proposed zoning, if applicable.
5. Requested exceptions from applicable regulations of this title, if applicable.
6. The name and address of the legal and beneficial owner of the property for which the variation is requested.
7. A legal description of the subject property.
8. The time, date and location of the public hearing.
D. Posting: Applicants or petitioners for public hearing shall post a readable sign(s) provided by the Village on each adjacent roadway in a number and location as determined by the zoning official not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date before the public hearing. Sign(s) shall be removed by the applicant or petitioner no later than three (3) days after conclusion of the hearing.
Each sign shall be displayed such that each sign face is perpendicular to the adjoining roadway. The face of the sign(s) required by this section shall be at least sixteen inches (16") in height and twenty one inches (21") in length. The sign(s) shall contain the following message:
On This Property
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The jurisdiction of the Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals to hold public hearings shall not be affected by the absence of a posted notice, if such absence is not the result of the applicant's or petitioner's act or omission.
E. Continuation Of Public Hearings: The Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposed variation, amendment, planned development, or special use. However, public hearings may be continued by the Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals, from time to time, without further notices being published, subject to compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. (Ord. 2002-01-15B, 1-15-2002; amd. Ord. 2018-03-20C, 3-20-2018)