A.   The village finds that buildings, structures and uses of land, which do not conform to the underlying regulations of the zoning district in which they are located, substantially and adversely affect the orderly development and taxable value of other property in that district.
   B.   Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to provide for the regulation of such nonconforming buildings, structures, and uses of land, and to specify those circumstances and conditions under which such nonconforming buildings, structures and uses may be continued or redeveloped.
   C.   Any nonconforming building, structure or use of land that exists lawfully at the time this title is adopted may be continued according to the regulations that follow.
   D.   The burden of establishing that any nonconformity is a legal nonconformity shall, in all cases, be the responsibility of the owner or user of the nonconforming building, structure or use. (Ord. 2002-01-15B, 1-15-2002)