(A) Any animal control official who has lawfully seized or impounded an animal under the provisions of this chapter and determines that the animal is in apparent need of immediate medical attention due to illness or injury, may authorize the necessary medical attention and/or have the animal destroyed.
(B) The animal control official shall make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or keeper of such sick or injured animal before authorizing such medical attention or destruction of the animal.
(C) The owner or keeper of such sick or injured animal shall be liable for any costs incurred for medical treatment rendered to the animal and/or for its destruction.
(D) If the owner or keeper of such sick or injured animal is not located, the animal may be disposed of as provided in § 90.33.
(Ord. 718, passed 10-8-2012)
(A) The animal control official shall make a report of each animal impounded.
(B) Such report shall indicate the date and time impounded, where seized and where impounded, description of the animal impounded, and the name and address of the owner or keeper, if known. Upon disposition of the animal, the report shall indicate the name and address of the person to whom the animal is released, the date of release, or the date it is destroyed.
(Ord. 718, passed 10-8-2012)