(a)   "Subdivision" means:
      (1)   A division of any parcel of land shown as a unit or as contiguous units, on the last preceding tax roll, into two or more parcels, sites, or lots, any one of which is less than five acres for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership; or
      (2)   The improvement of one or more parcels of land for residential, commercial, or industrial structures or groups of structures involving the division or allocation of land for the opening, widening, or extension of any street or streets, except private streets serving industrial structures; or
      (3)   The division or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owners, occupants, or leaseholders or as easements for the extension or maintenance of public sewers, water, storm drainage, or other public facilities.
         There is an exception to subsection (a)(2) hereof which is that the division or partition of land into parcels of more than five acres not involving any new streets or easements of access, or the sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining lot owners which do not create additional building sites is not a subdivision.
   (b)   "Subdivider" means the owner of property within the Village who desires to subdivide such property, or his agent.
   (c)   "Plats and drawings."
      (1)   "Preliminary drawing" means a drawing of the proposed subdivision which contains the following information:
         A.   The proposed name of the subdivision which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the Village.
         B.   Existing tracts of land according to real estate records of the Recorder of Williams County.
         C.   The names and addresses of the owner or owners of record, the subdivider, and the engineer or surveyor.
         D.   The names of adjacent subdivisions and the names of record owners of adjacent parcels of unplatted land.
         E.   The boundary lines, accurate in scale, of the tract to be subdivided.
         F.   The locations, widths and names of all existing platted streets or alleys or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, and other important features such as existing permanent buildings, water courses, railroad lines, corporation lines, township lines, electric power lines, bridges, section lines, any easements of record, etc.
         G.   Existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes indicated.
         H.   Contours with intervals of two feet referenced to U.S.G.S. Datum.
         I.   The layout, proposed names and widths of proposed streets, alleys, and easements; the approximate locations of catch basins, culverts, drainage outlets, and other drainage structures; the approximate locations and sizes of all water lines, sewers, and other utilities, and the locations and approximate dimensions of proposed lots.
         J.   Zoning boundary lines, if any; proposed general uses of property; and required front yard setback lines.
         K.   All parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use, or to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the subdivision, with the purposes, conditions, and limitations of such reservation indicated.
         L.   Proposed lot lines, dimensions and building front yard setbacks.
         M.   Total acreage of the subdivision.
         N.   North-point, scale and date.
         O.   The 100 year high water flood elevation as determined by the Village Engineer or the Williams County Engineer.
      (2)   "Construction plans" means detailed working drawings and specifications for the proposed subdivision which shall be prepared according to the provisions of Chapters 1113 and 1117 and the regulations and specifications of the Village Engineer and pertinent ordinances of the Village.
      (3)   "Final plat" means a plat of the proposed subdivision drawn on tracing cloth to a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch from an accurate survey on one or more sheets whose dimensions shall be multiples of six inches in either direction and shall not exceed 24 by 36 inches. If more than two sheets are required an index sheet of the same dimension shall be filed showing the entire subdivision on one sheet and the component areas on other sheets.
         The final plat and accompanying documents shall show:
         A.   The name of the subdivision and the scale of the plat points of the compass, the name of the owner or owners of subdividers.
         B.   The boundary lines of the area being subdivided with accurate distances and angles. The correct legal description of the property being subdivided shall be shown on the plat.
         C.   The lines of all proposed streets and alleys with their widths and the names of all streets.
         D.   The accurate outline of any portions of the property intended to be dedicated or granted, for public use, with the purpose indicated thereon.
         E.   The lines of all adjoining property and the lines of adjoining streets and alleys with their widths and the names of all streets.
         F.   All lot lines together with an identification of all lots and blocks. Lots must be identified by number.
         G.   The location of all easements provided for public use, services, or utilities.
         H.   All dimensions, both linear and angular, necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision, lots, streets, alleys, easements, and other areas for public or private use. Linear dimensions are to be given to the nearest 1/100th of a foot.
         I.   The radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency and central angles for all curvilinear streets and radii for rounded corners.
         J.   The location of all survey monuments and their descriptions.
         K.   The certificate of a registered surveyor attesting the accuracy of the survey and the correct location of all monuments shown.
         L.   Private restrictions and trusteeships and their periods of existence. Should these restrictions or trusteeships be of such length as to make their lettering on the plat impracticable and thus, necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference to such instrument shall be made on the plat.
         M.   Calculations showing the error of linear closure which error, shall, in no case, be greater than one in 5,000.
         N.   Acknowledgement of the owner or owners to the plat, and restrictions including dedication to public use of all streets, alleys, parks or other open spaces shown thereon and the granting of easements required.
         O.   Certification by the County Auditor that there are no unpaid taxes or assessments upon any part of the area within the subdivision.
         P.   Space for signatures of the owners of the property, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, the Village Council or the County Auditor, the County Recorder, Village Engineer and a Notary Public.
            (Ord. 1978-12. Passed 9-11-78.)