(a) Rule One. The presiding officer shall cause the journal of the proceedings of the previous session to be read, and if correct shall sign the same, but if any errors exist, said journal shall be corrected in the presence of Council before signed; he shall preside over and decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to Council; he shall appoint all committees at the first meeting of reorganization.
(b) Rule Two. No member shall absent himself from the services of Council while the same is in session, without leave of absence first obtained by Council, and in case of a less number than a quorum, the members so present are hereby authorized to send the Police Chief after members who may be absent.
(c) Rule Three. When a question is put by the presiding office, every member shall vote unless Council for special reasons shall excuse him. The yeas and nays shall be called upon the requisition of the presiding officer or any member.
(d) Rule Four. Every motion shall be reduced to writing in case the presiding officer or any member desires it. When made and seconded, it shall be stated by the presiding officer, or being written, shall be read by the Fiscal Officer and being so written or stated, shall be withdrawn only by the consent of the majority of Council.
(e) Rule Five. When two or more members shall arise at once, the presiding officer shall designate who shall have the right to the floor.
(f) Rule Six. Every ordinance shall be introduced by a committee to whom the subject matter thereof may have been referred by Council; by a member upon leave asked and granted, or after having given notice of intention to introduce such ordinance at a previous meeting.
(g) Rule Seven. All by-laws and ordinances shall be fully and distinctly read three different times, and if amendments are made, the presiding officer shall so report, and the ordinance read as amended before the question of its passage be taken; but no amendment shall be offered until its first reading.
(h) Rule Nine. Petitions and other papers addressed to Council shall be presented by any member in his place who shall make a brief statement of the contents thereof when introducing the same.
(i) Rule Ten. After an ordinance shall have passed, the same shall be enrolled by the Fiscal Officer in a book kept for that purpose, and after having been compared by the presiding officer shall be signed.
(j) Rule Eleven. It shall be the duties of the Fiscal Officer to keep a correct journal of the proceedings of the Council, to cause committees, members of the Council and its officers, to be informed of such duties as they may be charged with by the Council from time to time, and to perform such other duties as appertain to him/her as Fiscal Officer.
(k) Rule Twelve. In the ordinary transaction of business, the following order shall govern:
(1) Calling Council to order;
(2) Reading journal of previous session;
(3) Petitions and applications presented;
(4) Report from officers of the Council;
(5) Report of committees;
(6) Resolutions and other matters offered for the consideration of the Council.
(l) Rule Thirteen. All reports, petitions, and resolutions shall be in writing, and those for committees shall contain a statement of facts of their opinion thereon, and shall be taken up and read by the Clerk without any motion to that effect. (Ord. 2009-1. Passed 4-13-09.)