1171.02 PROCEDURE.
   The procedure for Planned Unit Development shall be as follows:
   (a)   Pre-Application Conference. The developer along with the Zoning Board and appropriate department head shall discuss development standards and requirements.
   (b)   Primary Approval of a Plat. The developer shall submit a plat to the Zoning Board for primary approval according to the requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance with the exception of the following :
      (1)   Lot size, widths, and coverage.
      (2)   Setbacks.
      (3)   Building height.
      (4)   Street widths.
      (5)   Rights-of-way.
   (c)   Secondary Approval of a Plat. Shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance.
      (Ord. 1995-14. Passed 10-9-95.)