Ord. No. Date Description
Unno. 5-12-09 Furnish and sell electric power for twenty-five years, Youngstown Consolidated Gas and Electric Co.
218 12-16-14 Furnish telephone service, Central Union Telephone Co.
108 5-21-19 Operate and maintain street railway until May 1, 1944, Mahoning and Shenango Railway & Light Co.
129 6-18-19 Furnish natural gas, East Ohio Gas Co.
561 6-20-23 Amending franchise granted 7-14-08, East Ohio Gas Co.
580 11-14-23 Amending franchise granted 8-9-05, Mahoning Valley Water Co.
811 8-19-25 Construct gasoline station and furnish gasoline, William H. Anthony.
821 9-2-25 Furnish electricity for 25 years, Pennsylvania Ohio Power and Light Co.
934 9-20-26 Repealing franchise granted 6-4-26, Pennsylvania-Ohio Electric Co.
942 10-1-26 Furnish gasoline at gasoline station, John Verardo.
1345 7-17-31 Light the City streets, Ohio Edison Co.
1366 6-3-32 Light the City streets, Ohio Edison Co.
1367 8-19-32 Repealing §§9 and 10 of franchise granted in Ord. 1210, passed 11- 2-28, and §§1 and 2 of Ord. 1304, passed 9-19-30, East Ohio Gas Co.
1397 4-19-33 Light the City streets, Ohio Edison Co.
1396 4-21-33 Repealing all previous franchises and amendments thereto, East End Traction Co.
1413 12-1-33 Repealing all previous franchises, Youngstown Municipal Ry. Co.
1418 12-15-33 Amending franchise granted 8-9-05 to convey water, Mahoning Valley Water Co.
1438 4-20-34 Light the City streets, Ohio Edison Co.
1456 9-7-34 Furnish and sell electric current for 5 years, Ohio Edison Co.
1678 4-21-35 Light the City streets for 1 year, Ohio Edison Co.
1739 6-5-36 Light the City streets for 2 years, Ohio Edison Co.
1873 10-20-37 Operate a trackless trolley line, Youngstown Municipal Ry. Co.
2015 12-7-38 Furnish natural and manufactured gas for 5 years, East Ohio Gas Co.
2141 6-7-39 Supplementing Ord. 1739, passed 6-5-36, Ohio Edison Co.
2387 9-16-42 Light the City streets, Ohio Edison Co.
2391 11-4-42 Furnish natural and manufactured gas, East Ohio Gas Co.
2392 11-18-42 Light the City streets; repealing Ord. 2387, passed 9-16-42, Ohio Edison Co.
2411 4-22-43 Furnish and sell electric current, Ohio Edison Co.
2451 4-5-44 Furnish electric current for 20 years, Ohio Edison Co.
2512 4-16-45 Operate bus service, Youngstown Municipal Ry. Co.
2518 6-6-45 Light the City streets for 5 years, Ohio Edison Co.
2552 1-16-46 Operate bus service, Youngstown Municipal Ry. Co.
2623 9-18-46 Extend South Side bus line, Youngstown Municipal Ry. Co.
2652 12-18-46 Operate a trackless trolley system, Youngstown Municipal Ry. Co.
2674 5-21-47 Operate a bus service, Erskine Transit Lines.
3481 1-19-55 Fixes rates and terms for street lighting for 10 years, Ohio Edison Co.
3614 10-19-55 Fixes rates and terms for electrical service for 10 years; repeals Ord. 2974, Ohio Edison Co.
4309 1-6-60 Fixes rates for furnishing natural gas to 12-31-63, East Ohio Gas Co.
4869 3-4-64 Right to use streets, alleys and public ways for transmission and distribution of electrical energy for 25 years, Ohio Edison Co.
4887 5-6-64 Fixes rates and terms for electrical service and street lighting for 10 years; repeals Ord. 3481, 3614 and 4218, Ohio Edison Co.
6048 4-19-67 Fixes rates and terms for street lighting for 10 years, Ohio Edison Co.
6181 4-2-69 Right to construct and maintain electrical lines and poles over and along City Lot 1973, Ohio Edison Co.
6216 7-18-69 Modifies rates and terms in Ord. 6048 for street lighting by replacement of incandescent lights with mercury vapor lights, Ohio Edison Co.
6387 5-28-71 Fixes rates and terms for electric service for 10 years, Ohio Edison Co.
6399 7-13-71 Permission and license to install a uniform burglar alarm system in the Police Department, State Alarm Co.
6509 11-15-72 Fixes rates and terms for furnishing public and private water service, Ohio Water Service Co.
6514 12-6-72 Accepts certificate filed with Ohio Water Service Co. which states that the water rates as increased are in compliance with the Price Commission.
6567 7-11-73 Right to operate a cable television service, Telesonic Associates, Inc. of Brookville, Pa.
6568 8-22-73 Assigns to Telesonic of Ohio the franchise granted by Ord. 6567 to Telesonic Associates, Inc. of Brookville, Pa. for operation of a cable television service.
6571 8-22-73 Fixes rates and terms for street lighting for 10 years; repeals Ord. 6048, Ohio Edison Co.
6572 8-22-73 Fixes rates and terms for supplying electric service for traffic control lights and warning lights for 10 years; repeals Ord. 4887, Ohio Edison Co.
6637 5-6-74 Right to operate a public transportation facility on and over the streets of the City, Western Reserve Transit Authority.
6657 8-7-74 Fixes rates and terms for electric service for 10 years; repeals Ord. 6387, Ohio Edison Co.
76-6840 4-21-76 Fixes rates and terms for furnishing public and private water service, Ohio Water Service Co.
76-6849 5-5-76 Right to operate a public transportation facility on and over the streets of the City; repeals Ord. 6637, Western Reserve Transit Authority.
76-6875 9-1-76 Amends franchise granted to Western Reserve Transit Authority by Ord. 76-6849.
76-6908 11-17-76 Right to operate a public transportation facility on and over the streets of the City; repeals Ord. 76-6849 and 76-6875, Western Reserve Transit Authority.
77-6954 3-24-77 Right to operate a public transportation facility on and over the streets of the City, Western Reserve Transit Authority.
78-7088 3-1-78 Right to transport people in and throughout the City, Western Reserve Transit Authority.
79-7267 3-7-79 To Western Reserve Transit to operate public transportation over the streets of the City.
79-7367 10-3-79 Fixes rates for street lighting by Ohio Edison Co. and amending Ord. 6571.
80-7432 3-19-80 Amends franchise granted to Western Reserve Transit Authority by Ord. 79-7267.
80-7487 6-18-80 Fixes rates for water service from Ohio Water Service Co.
80-7532 11-19-80 Amends cable television franchise agreement setting new charges.
81-7593 4-15-81 To Western Reserve Transit to operate public transportation within the City.
81-7619 6-11-81 To Western Reserve Transit to operate public transportation within the City.
82-7740 3-17-82 Amends franchise agreement with Hopewell Cable Systems, Inc.
82-7734 3-3-82 Assigns franchise to operate cable television system to Hopewell Cable Systems, Inc. from Telesonic of Ohio.
82-7716 1-6-82 Fixes rates for street lighting by Ohio Edison Co. for 10 yrs.; repeals Ords. 6571 and 79-7367.
81-7660 10-7-81 Amends Ord. 81-7619.
83-7931 10-5-83 Amends Ord. 82-7740.
85-8161 4-3-85 Amends Ord. 82-7740.
86-8384 12-17-86 To Century Ohio Cable Television Corp. from Hopewell Cable Systems, Inc. for a cable television system.
89-8639 3-15-89 To Ohio Edison Co. for acquiring, constructing, operating and maintaining a complete electric system.
89-8718 12-6-89 To Ohio Edison Co. for lighting by electricity the public streets and roads of the City.
90-8836 11-21-90 Fixes rates for water service from Ohio Water Service Co. for 3 yrs.
92-9102 11-18-92 Renewing franchise to Century Ohio Cable TV Corp.
93-9205 9-15-93 Amends franchise agreement in Ord. 89-8639 between the City and Ohio Edison Co.
99-9852 12-22-99 Renews street lighting contract with Ohio Edison Co. for 5 yrs. beginning 1-1-00.