(a)   Obtaining the Floor; To Speak Once.
   No person shall be allowed to debate or present a question unless standing, or until he shall first have obtained the floor by addressing the Chair with the words, “Mr. Chairman”, and having been recognized by the Chair with the words “Mr. ..........”.
   No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without leave, and no member shall speak more than once on the same question until every member desiring to speak on that question shall have had an opportunity to do so.
(1955 Code §111.11)
   (b)    Improper Reference to be Avoided.
   Every member desiring to speak, shall address the Chair, and upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
   (c)    Interruptions.
   A member once recognized shall not be interrupted when speaking, unless it would be to call him to order or as herein, otherwise, provided. If a member, while speaking, is called to order, he shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined, and, if in order, he shall be permitted to proceed.
   (d)    Privilege of Closing Debate. 
   The Council member moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing debate.
   (e)    Manner of Addressing of Council. 
   Each person addressing Council shall stand, give his or her name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. The time limit shall be determined by the President of Council and the members of Council. All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a body, and not to any member thereof. No person other than Council and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of Council, without the permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked of a Council member except through the presiding officer.
   (f)   Decorum - by Council Members.
   While Council is in session the members must preserve the order and decorum, and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of Council, nor disturb any member while speaking, or refuse to obey the orders of Council or its presiding officer, except as otherwise provided herein.
   (g)    Decorum - by Persons. 
   Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who becomes vociferous while addressing Council, shall be forthwith, by the presiding officer, barred from further audience before Council, unless permission to continue is granted by a majority vote of Council. (Ord. 82-7721. Passed 1-20-82.)
   (h)    Restriction on Smoking. 
   Smoking shall be prohibited in the Caucus Room during Council regular caucus sessions and committee meetings and regular meetings and public hearings in Council Chambers. (Ord. 92- 9039. Passed 5-20-92.)