At all Council meetings the Chair shall announce the agenda in the order named, and all business under each shall be disposed of before the next is announced. The official agenda shall be:
   (a)   Roll call;
   (b)   Pledge of Allegiance;
   (c)   Reading of minutes;
   (d)   Communications;
   (e)   Mayor’s report;
   (f)   Report of standing committees;
   (g)   Anyone wishing to address Council on pending legislation;
   (h)   Legislation;
   (i)   Unfinished business;
   (j)   New business;
   (k)   Report of Law Director;
   (l)   Report of Auditor;
   (m)   Report of Safety Service Director;
   (n)   Anyone wishing to address Council;
   (o)   Adjourn.
      (Ord. 03-051. Passed 6-11-03.)