For the purposes of this Chapter, words and phrases used in this Chapter are defined as follows:
   (a)   "Local Property Manager" means a person or entity responsible for the day-to-day maintenance, upkeep, and security of the Residential Rental Property. The Local Property Manager may be the Owner and/or the Local Responsible Agent, if the Local Property Manager otherwise satisfies all of the conditions to being a Local Responsible Agent under this Chapter.
   (b)   "Local Responsible Agent" means an adult individual designated by the Owner who is responsible for:
      (1)   Providing the Safety Service Director or his authorized agent (Code Enforcement Director) with access to the Residential Rental Property for the purpose of making inspections necessary to ensure compliance with this Chapter;
      (2)   Operating the Residential Rental Property in compliance with this Chapter and the other provisions of the City's Codified Ordinances; and
      (3)   Accepting service of notices, summons, complaints and other legal documents on behalf of the Owner.
   The Local Responsible Agent may be the Local Property Manager, if the Local Property Manager otherwise satisfies all of the conditions of being a Local Responsible Agent.
   (c)   "Occupancy Inspection Fee" means a nonrefundable fee established by resolution of Council from time-to-time to process an application for Occupancy Permit and/or to cover the City's costs of inspecting the Residential Rental Property.
   (d)   "Occupancy Permit" means a permit issued by the City allowing for the occupancy or use of Residential Rental Property by one or more persons as a residence under an arrangement whereby the occupant(s) thereof pay rent for such occupancy or use.
   (e)   "Occupancy Re-inspection Fee" means a nonrefundable fee established by resolution of Council from time-to-time to review a denied application for Occupancy Permit and/or to cover the City's costs of re-inspecting the Residential Rental Property.
   (f)   "Owner" means a person or entity that has legal title to, or any kind of ownership interest in, Residential Rental Property according to the official records of the Mahoning County Recorder. If more than one person or entity owns Residential Rental Property, "Owner" refers to each person or entity that has legal title to, or any kind of ownership interest in, Residential Property according to the official records of the Mahoning County Recorder.
   (g)   "Registration Fee" means a nonrefundable fee established by resolution of Council from time-to-time to process the registration of Residential Rental Property with the City.
   (h)   "Registration Renewal Fee" means a nonrefundable fee established by resolution of Council from time-to-time to renew and maintain the registration of Residential Rental Property with the City.
   (i)   "Residential Rental License" means a permit issued by the City for the general privilege to rent or lease property as Residential Rental Property in the City.
   (j)   "Residential Rental Property" means any dwelling, unit, property or premises located in the City that is occupied or possessed by a Tenant where money, services, or other valuable consideration is exchanged for the ability to occupy or possess the Residential Rental Property, whether the agreement is verbal or in writing. The following types of dwellings, units, property or premises are not considered Residential Rental Property:
      (1)   Hotels or motels;
      (2)   Accommodations in any hospital, extended care facility, residential care facility and convalescent home; or
      (3)   Business, commercial or industrial properties unless there is a residential dwelling on the property.
   (k)   "Tenant" means a person who is not the Owner of Residential Rental Property and who occupies or possesses Residential Rental Property as a tenant, land contract vendee, permittee of the Owner and/or in any other capacity, whether the agreement therefor is verbal or in writing, and where money, services, or other valuable consideration is exchanged for the ability to occupy or possess the Residential Rental Property.
(Ord. 20-032. Passed 11-10-20.)