General Provisions
33.01 Definitions
33.02 Accounting records and financial reports
33.03 Annual budget ordinance
33.04 Annual audit of city funds
33.05 Official depositories; disbursement of city funds
33.06 Purchasing; adoption of state regulations
33.20 Definitions
33.21 Financing of improvements
33.22 Apportionment of cost
33.23 Comprehensive report required
33.24 Public hearing required
33.25 Adoption of ordinance; notice to affected owners
33.26 Affected owner may contest
33.27 When city may proceed; assessment constitutes lien
33.28 Effect of additional property or change in financing
Investment and Financial Management Policy
33.40 General investment policy
33.41 Investment objectives
33.42 Investment authority
33.43 Prudent person rule
33.44 Authorized investments
33.45 Diversification of investments
33.46 Authorized financial institutions, depositories, and brokers/dealers
33.47 Safekeeping and custody
33.48 Collateral
33.49 Reporting/disclosure
33.50 Financial management policy
33.51 Investment parameters
33.52 Audit