(A)   No fence or structure of any nature, other than railings, porches or patios, may be extended toward the front property line beyond the front wall of the residence and otherwise shall be in compliance with applicable rules and regulations as adopted in the Jefferson County Development Code on side and rear yards.
   (B)   Railings shall be ornamental or decorative type and no higher than three feet from their base. They shall not be extended more in total length than 40% of the average width of the lot and shall not extend more than ten feet toward the front property line beyond the front wall of the residence unless they are part of a porch or patio.
   (C)   The front porch, exclusive of steps, or the front patio of the house shall not extend more than ten feet beyond the front wall of the residence toward the street. A railing may extend the full length and/or width of the porch or patio.
   (D)   As used in this § 150.19, the “front wall” of the residence shall not include the porch or steps.
   (E)   A fence constructed on property lines must be made of ornamental metal, wire, plastic or composite materials of good quality, or wood and shall not be over six feet in height from ground level.
   (F)   Fences of closed construction not exceeding seven feet in height may be constructed along the rear of lot lines, contiguous with interstate right-of-ways.
   (G)   Use of barbed wire or electrified fences is prohibited.
   (H)   Open type construction must have spacing between boards in the fence. The maximum width of fence boards shall not exceed six inches.
   (I)   Side or rear patio enclosures or decks may be of open or solid construction on three sides, not exceeding six feet in height and must be erected on or no further than 2½ feet adjacent to the patio.
(Ord. 3, Series 1996-1997, passed 10-1-1996; Ord. 4, Series 2020-2021, passed 6-1-2021) Penalty, see § 150.99