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Streetsboro Overview
Codified Ordinances of Streetsboro, OH
Post-Construction Water Quality Runoff Regulations
1195.01   Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan.
1195.02   Purpose.
1195.03   Disclaimer of liability.
1195.04   Conflicts, severability, nuisances, and responsibility.
1195.05   Effective date.
1195.06   Definitions.
1195.07   Scope.
1195.08   Consultations.
1195.09   Post-construction water quality control plan.
1195.10   Easements.
1195.11   Maintenance.
1195.12   Minimum standards.
1195.13   Alternative actions.
1195.14   Compliance with other rules and regulations.
1195.15   Construction and maintenance guarantee.
1195.16   Application procedures for post construction water quality plans.
1195.17   Violations.
1195.99   Penalties.
      Riparian setback and wetland setback regulations - see P. & Z. Chap. 1191
      Construction site soil erosion, sediment and other wastes and storm
         water runoff regulations - see P. & Z. Chap. 1193
      Illicit discharge and stormwater rules - see P. & Z. Chap. 1197
   The Post-Construction Water Quality Plan developed to meet this regulation will be coordinated and combined with the Riparian and Wetland Setback Plan and the Construction Site Conservation Plan that are developed for the same site. These plans will be titled and numbered in one consecutive sequence to make a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan for the site. The Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan so developed will serve as the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) required by Ohio EPA as part of the NPDES Storm Water Permit for General Construction.
(Ord. 2009-75. Passed 6-22-09.)
   1195.02 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The intent of these regulations is to:
      (1)   Allow development while reducing damage to receiving water resources and drainage systems that may be caused by new development or redevelopment activities.
      (2)   Protect and maintain the receiving stream's physical, chemical, biological characteristics and stream functions.
      (3)   Provide perpetual management of storm water runoff quality and quantity.
      (4)   Establish consistent technically feasible and operationally practical standards to achieve a level of storm water quantity and quality control that will minimize damage to public and private property and degradation of water resources, and will promote and maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the Community.
      (5)   Control storm water runoff resulting from soil disturbing activities.
      (6)   Preserve, to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), the natural drainage characteristics of the building site.
      (7)   Preserve, to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), natural infiltration and groundwater recharge, and maintain subsurface flow that replenishes water resources, wetlands, and wells.
      (8)   Assure that storm water quality controls are incorporated into site planning and design at the earliest possible stage.
      (9)   Reduce the need for costly treatment and mitigation for the damage to and loss of water resources that are the result of inadequate storm water quality control.
      (10)   Reduce the long-term expense of remedial projects needed to address problems caused by inadequate storm water quality control.
      (11)   Require the incorporation of water quality protection that encourages and promotes habitat preservation into the construction of storm water management practices.
      (12)   Ensure that all storm water quality practices are properly designed, constructed, and maintained.
         (Ord. 2009-75. Passed 6-22-09.)