1501.01 Adoption by reference.
1501.02 Purpose.
1501.03 Application.
1501.04 Enforcement.
1501.05 Definitions.
1501.06 Inspections.
1501.07 Permits and inspection fees.
1501.08 Modifications.
1501.09 Appeals.
1501.10 New materials, processes or occupancies.
1501.11 Separability.
1501.99 General code penalty; equitable remedies.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Appeals of orders - see Ohio R.C. 119.12
State certification of firefighters - see Ohio R.C. 737.08, 737.22, 3737.33
State certification of Fire Safety Inspectors - see Ohio R.C. 3737.01(C), 3737.34
Fire investigation - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.24 et seq.
Entry and inspection - see Ohio R.C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14, 3737.41, 3737.42
Common Pleas Court jurisdiction - see Ohio R.C. 3737.44(A), 3737.51(H)
Ohio Fire Code - see Ohio R.C. 3737.82 et seq.;
OAC Ch. 1301:7-1 et seq.
Fire extinguishing and alarm systems in rest and nursing homes - see Ohio R.C. 3721.071
Self-service filling stations - see Ohio R.C. 3741.14
Fireworks - see Ohio R.C. 3743.27, 3743.32 et seq.
(a) That certain document, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Fire Chief being marked and designated as the Ohio Fire Code (December 2005 Edition) is hereby adopted as the Fire Prevention Code of the City for the control of buildings and structures as herein provided, and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of such Ohio Fire Code are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter. The most recent copy of said Ohio Fire Code, including all appendices, shall be in full force and effect as soon as each revision is issued by the State of Ohio or other designated authority.
(b) There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as if set out at length herein for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, the most recent published edition of the National Fire Code, published by the National Fire Protection Association, as the same now exists or as may be amended by future editions thereof, except such portions that may be deleted, modified or amended by ordinance of Council.
(1) Exception to (2002 Edition) NFPA 72: Section is not applicable. Therefore, any remote monitoring location receiving any type of residential fire alarm signal shall immediately contact the Streetsboro Fire Department, initiating an emergency response, prior to attempting contact the residence or any other contact person(s).
(c) At least one complete copy of the National Fire Codes shall be on file with the Fire Chief for inspection by the public. Should future editions of the Code be published they shall become effective within the City as of the date when the copies thereof which are required to be placed on file are so filed or made available with the person or at the place hereby designated. Copies of applicable sections shall be provided for distribution to the public at cost.
(d) The following standards are hereby deleted from the National Fire Code by NFiPA, for enforcement within the City of Streetsboro:
(1) Volume 7 - Standard NFPA 780 (Standard for Installation of Lighting Protection Systems).
(2) Volume 7 - Standard NFPA 1500 (Standard for Fire Dept. Occupational Safety and Health Program).
(3) Volume 7 - Standard NFPA 1582 (Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical Health Program for Fire Departments).
(4) Volume 8 - Standard NFPA-1975 (Standard on Station/Work Uniforms for Fire and Emergency Services).
(5) Volume 8 - Standard NFPA-1999 (Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations).
(Ord. 2007-166. Passed 12-28-07.)