(a)   Floor Area. For the purposes of this section "floor area" in offices, merchandising and service types of uses shall mean the area used for service to the public and excludes areas used principally for non-public purposes such as storage, incidental repair, processing, show windows, rest rooms and dressing rooms. In measurement for parking space, fractions of required floor area over one-half shall require one parking space.
   (b)    Parking Space Dimensions. The minimum dimensions for a parking space shall be:
      (1)    Nine feet and six inches in width and nineteen feet in length for all angle parking, including right angle parking.
      (2)    Nine feet in width and twenty-three feet in length for all parallel parking.
   All dimensions shall be exclusive of driveways, aisles and other circulation areas.
   (c)    Parking Area Design. Such parking areas shall be of useable shape, improved with bituminous concrete, or equivalent surfacing and so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area. All lighting used to illuminate such parking areas shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from adjoining premises or streets and no open light sources such as the stringing of light bulbs shall be permitted. Wheel guards, including bumper guards as may be necessary, shall be provided in connection with any off-street parking area of five cars or more, and shall be constructed so as to confine the storm water surface drainage to the premises; to contain the cars on sloping surfaces; and to prevent bumper overhang.
   (d)    Entrances and Exits. Entrances and exits shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and avoid undue interference with pedestrian access at street intersection corners. There shall not be more than two accessways abutting on any one street. The minimum and maximum widths of such accessways shall be determined by the City Engineer in accordance with ODOT Location and Design Manual, Volume 1, Section 803, with concurrence of the Planning Director, except that residential uses shall have accessways of not less than eight feet.
   (e)    Truck Circulation. Truck parking areas, maneuvering lanes and accessways to public roads shall be designed to cause no interference with the safe and convenient movement of automobile and pedestrian traffic on and adjacent to the site.
   (f)    Residential and/or Commercial Districts. The parking and loading regulations for all districts which permit multiple uses shall be the same as the regulations for commercial and/or residential uses as they would otherwise apply individually. The Planning and Zoning Commission may reduce the parking and loading space requirements for multiple uses as a conditional use in accordance with Sections 1155.03 and 1155.04.
   (g)    Yard Restrictions.
      (1)    In all O-C, R-R, R-1 and R-2 Districts, required off-street parking facilities shall not occupy any portion of the required front or side yard, but where open may be included as part of a required open space for a rear yard.
      (2)    In all R-3, R-O and I Districts, open off-street parking facilities may be located in all yards provided that at least a twenty foot wide landscaped strip is located between the parking area and the street right-of-way line. When off-street parking facilities are located in the required side or rear yard on the portion of the lot adjacent to a parcel in an O-C, R-R, R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-O District, a minimum ten foot wide landscaped area shall be located between such parking area and the side or rear lot line, and such parking lot shall be screened from the adjacent parcel by a fence, wall or compact hedge at least four feet in height.
   (h)    Location. The parking spaces required for dwelling units shall be located on the lot and parking spaces required for other uses shall be located on the lot or within 500 feet of the use measured along lines of public access to the property but shall not be allowed in residential districts, except as provided in subsection (i) hereof.
   (i)    Joint Use.
      (1)    Parking spaces already provided to meet off-street parking requirements for places of public assembly, commercial and industrial establishments, lying within 500 feet of a church measured along lines of public access, and that are not normally used between the hours of 6:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. on Sundays, and are made available for other parking, may be used to meet no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the off-street parking requirements of a church.
      (2)    Parking spaces already provided to meet off-street parking requirements for commercial and industrial establishments lying within 500 feet of a place of public assembly along lines of public access, that are not normally in use between 6:00 p. m. and midnight, and are made available for other parking, may be used to meet not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total requirements of parking space.
      (3)    In the case of a mixed use facility, the number of off-street parking facilities required shall equal the sum of the required spaces of the various uses computed individually if the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that special characteristics of the uses within such a facility will require fewer spaces than the computed sum, in which case the Commission may reduce the required number of spaces by no more than one-half of the sum of the spaces required for each individual use as a conditional use.
   (j)    Parking Lots in Residential District. The Planning and Zoning Commission may issue a conditional zoning certificate for parking lots in residential districts subject to the following conditions:
      (1)    The parking lot shall be accessory to and for the use in connection with one or more permitted or conditionally permissible uses in and adjoining commercial or industrial district.
      (2)    Such parking lot shall contain not less than 5,000 square feet, which shall abut at least fifty feet, either directly or across an alley or street, on the district in which the use for which the parking is provided, permitted or conditionally permissible.
      (3)    Such parking lot area shall conform to the minimum building lines of the district in which the parking area is located.
      (4)    Such parking lot shall be used solely for the parking of passenger vehicles and no commercial repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted on such parking lot.
      (5)    No sign of any kind, other than those designating entrances, exits and conditions of use shall be maintained on such parking lot. Entrances and exits shall be at least twenty feet from any adjacent property located in any residential district. Such parking lot shall be efficiently screened on each side by a fence of acceptable design, wall or compact hedge. Such fence, wall or hedge shall be not less than four feet in height and no solid portion shall be more than six feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition. The planting strip for hedges shall be no less than three feet in width. At least one water outlet shall be provided not more than fifty feet from the lot for maintenance of plant materials. The space between such fence, wall or hedge and the side lot line of adjoining premises in any residential district shall be landscaped with grass, hardy shrubs or evergreen ground cover and maintained in good condition
   (k)    Off-Street Parking Landscaping. Parking areas, in any zoning district, shall be provided with fifteen square feet of landscaping per space within the parking area which shall be distributed reasonably evenly across the parking area when the following conditions exist:
      (1)    The parking area has a minimum of thirty parking spaces;
      (2)    The parking area consists of one or more double-loaded parking aisles; and
      (3)    The parking area, or portion thereof, is in full view from the street right of way or adjacent to residential district.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, in reviewing the development plan pursuant to Section 1151.27, may reduce the amount of landscaping required when it determines that the landscaping required is not necessary in reducing the adverse impact of such parking area on adjacent street right of ways or adjacent residential property.
(Ord. 2018-80. Passed 6-11-18.)
   (l)   With respect to any non-residential use, including three-family, four-family, and multifamily uses, the Planning and Zoning Commission may, upon finding that the number of parking spaces required by Section 1155.02 are not reasonably necessary in order to provide adequate parking for a proposed development, authorize or require a developer to provide a lesser number of actual parking spaces and to landbank the remaining spaces required by Section 1155.02 for future parking needs. The entire landbanked area shall be shown on the site plan and improved with landscape plantings as approved by the Commission. In the event a future change of use or tenancy or expansion of a use requires, in the determination of the Commission, additional actual parking, then the Commission shall require that additional parks spaces be provided from the previously landbanked area of the development. The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant a deviation to the number and dimensions of landbanked parking spaces as a part of the Site Plan Review or Site Plan Amendment approval process, provided that the Commission determines that the applicant has submitted sufficient evidence to support the deviation.
(Ord. 2009-76. Passed 6-22-09; Ord. 2023-144. Passed 11-13-23.)