1153.22 CAR WASHES. 
   Car washes:
    (a)    Shall, at a minimum, conform to all setback requirements of the district in which they are permitted and shall be subject to Planning Commission approval.
    (b)    Washing of vehicles shall be done completely within an enclosed building.
    (c)    The construction, operation and maintenance of such use shall be such that it will not be hazardous, noxious or offensive due to the emission of odor, noise vibration, refuse matters or water-carried wastes.
    (d)    Ingress and egress driveways shall be limited to two, to any one road, shall not exceed thirty feet each in width, shall be separated from the intersection of any two road right-of-way lines by at least forty feet and from the intersection of any property line with any road right-of-way line by at least ten feet. At least a six inch high pedestrian curb shall be installed where any service areas adjoin any road right-of-way lines, except at driveway approaches.
    (e)    There shall be an adequate area for stacking of vehicles awaiting servicing so as to ensure no interference with traffic flow. Planning Commission will address and determine the adequacy of the stacking area during Site Plan Review.
    (f)    No Zoning Certificate shall be issued until final site plans have been submitted and approved by the Planning Commission. Site plans shall be in conformance with Chapter 1152.
      (Ord. 1994-107. Passed 11-28-94.)