1139.02 USES.
   Within the I-1 Industrial Research and Office District, no building, structure or premises shall be used, arranged to be used or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
   (a)    Principal Uses. 
            (1)    Off-street public parking lot and garage.
      (2)    Administrative, executive, financial, accounting, clerical and drafting offices associated with other permitted uses.
            (3)    Wholesale establishment.
      (4)    The following types of manufacturing, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing or repair activities which will not be materially injurious or offensive to the occupants of adjacent premises or the community at large by reason of the emission or creation of noise, vibration, smoke, dust or other particular matter, toxic and noxious materials, odors, fire or explosive hazards, glare, heat or electromagnetic disturbances.
         A.    Bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and food products; except fish or meat products, sauerkraut, yeast and rendering or refining of fats and oils.
         B.    Products from the following previously prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, plastics, precious or semi-precious metals or stones, metal, shell, textiles, tobacco, wax, wood (where saw and planing mills are employed within a completely enclosed building) and yarns.
         C.    Pottery and figurines, using previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only with gas or electricity.
         D.    Musical instruments, toys, novelties, rubber or metal stamps and other small rubber products.
         E.    Electrical and electric appliances, instruments and devices, television sets, radios, phonographs, household appliances.
         F.    Laboratories and processing: experimental, film or testing provided no operation shall be conducted or equipment used which would create hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions.
         G.    Bag, carpet and rug cleaning, provided necessary equipment is installed and operated for the effective precipitation or recovery of dust.
         H.    Blacksmith, welding or other metal working shops, including machine shop operations of the tool, die and gauge types.
         I.    Carpenter, cabinet, upholstering, sheetmetal, plumbing, heating, roofing, air conditioning, sign painting and other similar establishments.
         J.    Ice manufacturing and cold storage plant, creamery and bottling plant.
         K.    Laundry, cleaning and dyeing plant.
         L.    Stone or monument works not employing power tools; or if employing such tools then within a completely enclosed building.
      (5)    Warehousing and storage buildings and yards which may include:
         A.    Contractor's equipment storage yard or storage and rental of equipment commonly used by contractors.
         B.    Fuel, food and goods distribution station, warehouse and storage but excluding coal and coke. Inflammable liquids and underground storage only if located no closer than 300 feet from an R District.
         C.    EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (a)(5)C. was repealed by Ordinance 1990-93, passed October 22, 1990.
      (6)    Administrative, executive, financial, accounting, clerical and drafting offices.
      (7)    Repair services for machinery and equipment, excluding automotive repair.
      (8)    Vulcanizing.
      (9)    Feed and Grain stores and supplies.
      (10)    Rental agencies.
      (11)    Governmentally owned and/or operated park.
   (b)    Conditional Uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission may issue conditional zoning certificates for uses listed herein subject to the requirements of Chapter 1153.
      (1)   Institutions for human medical care: hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, independent senior living facilities, child day care centers, and philanthropic institutions..
      (2)    Plant greenhouse.
            (3)    Church and other buildings for the purpose of religious worship.
            (4)    Governmentally owned and/or operated building or facility.
            (5)    Institutions for higher education.
            (6)    Private technical schools.
      (7)    Public utility services and pertinent structures including utility substations and transformers, but excluding office buildings and storage and distribution facilities.
            (8)    Oil, gas and brine wells, drilling and operations necessary for their extraction, storage and skimming subject to Chapter 1153.
      (9)    (Editor's Note: Former subsection (b)(9) hereof was repealed by Ord. 2004-183, passed November 22, 2004.)
            (10)    Lumber yard, building material sales.
            (11)    Package and/or delivery services and sales of products manufactured or warehoused at the facility, subject to certain limitations:
                  A.    Sales permitted under this section shall be incidental to the permitted principal use.
                  B.    The area dedicated to this use shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the interior floor area.
             (12)    Rifle and pistol ranges.
             (13)    Automotive repair.
      (14)   Impounded motor vehicle yard subject to the conditions required by Section 1153.28.
   (c)    Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Accessory building and uses clearly incidental to the uses permitted on the same premises.
            (2)    Signs as regulated by Chapter 1159 of this Zoning Ordinance.
         (Ord. 2024-20. Passed 1-22-24.)