1137.02 USES. 
   (a)    Principal Uses.
      (1)   Gasoline service stations subject to Section 1137.07 in addition to all other applicable requirements for permitted uses.
            (2)    Garage and automotive repair.
            (3)    Transient hotels.
            (4)    Refreshment stand.
            (5)    Restaurant and dining facilities.
            (6)    Passenger transportation agency and terminal.
      (7)    Fuel, food and goods distribution station, but excluding coal and coke and bulk storage.
            (8)    Plant greenhouse.
      (9)    Private indoor recreation facilities including bowling alleys, tennis clubs and racquetball courts and similar indoor recreational facilities.
      (10) New and used car sales. (Ord. 1994-113. Passed 11-28-94.)
      (11)    Motor vehicle rental agency. A motor vehicle rental agency may be permitted subject to the following:
         A.    Principal use. Motor vehicle rental shall be permitted only where motor vehicle rental agency is permitted as a principal use. Motor vehicle rental agencies shall only be established on properties zoned C-3, Highway Interchange Commercial District or B, Business District.
         B.    Cleaning. Rental motor vehicle cleaning is limited to the vacuuming of the interior and hand washing of the exterior and interior of the vehicle. Vehicle cleaning is permitted only in an enclosed vehicular preparation area and shall not be open to the public.
         C.    Principal structure required. The minimum size of all motor vehicle rental sales offices shall be 2,000 square feet. No mobile home, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle shall be used as sales offices, storage space or for sleeping purposes.
         D.    Separation. No motor vehicle rental agency shall be located within 2,000 feet of the boundaries of a parcel of real estate having situated on it another motor vehicle rental agency.
         E.    Parts prohibited. The exterior display or storage of motor vehicle parts is prohibited.
                  F.    Sales prohibited. No rental motor vehicles shall be sold or held for sale.
         G.    Operable, Dismantled or damaged vehicles. There shall not be any inoperable, dismantled or damaged motor vehicles outside of the building on the site at any time. All motor vehicles for rent shall be maintained in running condition and the storage of motor vehicles on the site without current registration is prohibited.
         H.    Outdoor storage/display.
            1.    Motor vehicles kept on the site for rental purposes are not considered to be outside storage.
            2.    A motor vehicle display/storage area shall not be located within a required setback, required landscaping area, or required parking space.
            3.    No motor vehicles shall be displayed on top of a building or in any way displayed above grade (i.e., raised in any way).
         I.    Noise. The use of loud speakers or other exterior amplification devices that are audible from the exterior of the site shall be prohibited.
         J.    Entrances and exits. The number, configuration and width of all points of entrance and exit to the site shall be in accordance with Section 1155.03(d) of the Zoning Ordinance and addressed as part of Site Plan or Site Plan Amendment Review as may be applicable.
                  K.    Parking.
            1.    Driveways, parking lots and loading/unloading areas shall be paved with an approved concrete or asphalt/concrete surface.
            2.    Adequate access and egress with appropriate turning radii to the site shall be provided as well as adequate queuing and turnaround space on the site so that at no time is street traffic disrupted or blocked by vehicles entering or leaving the site or maneuvering to park on the site.
            3.    All surfaces shall be maintained in sound condition free of pot holes, weeds and other vegetation, dust, trash, and debris.
         L.    Enclosed building. All rental motor vehicle maintenance services shall be conducted within an enclosed building.
         M.    Fueling stations. Neither gasoline or fuel or rental or non-rental vehicles shall be kept, sold or dispensed on the site.
         N.    Lighting. All lighting shall be designed and installed to prevent glare or excessive light spillover onto adjacent properties or rights-of-way. Security lighting shall be directed toward the building, rather than the area around it. A photometric plan shall be provided in order to verify conformance with this requirement.
         O.    Landscaping. A landscaped buffer not less than six feet in width shall be provided adjacent to the right-of-way for which the site has frontage, as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (b)    Conditional Uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission may issue conditional zoning certificates for uses listed herein subject to the requirements of Chapter 1153:
      (1)    Public utility services and pertinent structures including utility substation and transformers, but excluding office buildings and storage distribution facilities.
      (2)    Private outdoor recreation and entertainment, including amusement facilities, drive-in theaters, golf driving ranges and miniature golf courses.
      (3)    Oil, gas and brine wells, drilling and operations necessary for their extraction, storage and skimming.
      (4)    Building materials, sales yard and lumber yard, including mill work, provided such mill work is conducted within a completely enclosed building.
            (5)    Trailer and farm implement sales and services and storage, both new and used.
            (6)    Adult Entertainment Use as defined in Section 1153.20(b)(1) through (3).
   (c) Accessory Uses.
      (1)    Accessory buildings and uses clearly incidental to the principal uses on the same premises.
      (2)    Signs as regulated by Chapter 1159 of this Zoning Ordinance.
         (Ord. 2024-20. Passed 1-22-24.)