(A) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to conduct more than two garage sales during any calendar year, except as set forth hereinafter.
(B) No single garage sale may continue for more than four consecutive calendar days.
(C) Any single garage sale may be conducted only by the occupant residing at the address at which the sale is to be held, or in conjunction with no more than two other families not residing at that address.
(D) Any person conducting a garage sale may sell only property accumulated for personal use by the occupants residing at that address at which the sale is to be held or by those persons with whom such sale is to be conducted. No items shall be offered for sale at such garage sale which have been purchased specifically for resale.
(E) Garage sales may only be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on any day.
(F) No person, firm, group, corporation, association or organization shall sell or offer to sell any personal property at a garage sale to be advertised or held out by any means without first registering such garage sale with the Village Clerk. There shall be no fee charged to register such sale. To register a sale, the applicant must provide the following information to the Village Clerk:
(1) The name of the person, firm, group, corporation, association or organization conducting the sale;
(2) The location or locations at which the sale is to be conducted;
(3) The number of days which the sale is to be conducted within the limit set forth above; and
(4) The dates of any past sale or sales held within the current calendar year.
(G) Signs advertising a garage sale may be placed only on the premises where said sale is being conducted, or any other private property with the permission of the owner thereof. No signs shall be placed on utility poles, sign posts or curb lawns. Any signs so placed are subject to being immediately removed by the Police Department. All signs advertising said garage sale shall be removed at the end of the last day of said sale.
(H) Items offered for sale during the garage sale shall be removed from plain or open view at the end of each day of said garage sale, either by covering the same in an acceptable manner or removing the same from the location of the sale until the next sale day.
(I) In addition to the two garage sales permitted during each calendar year, garage sales shall be permitted within the village during Garage Sale Weekend, defined as the second weekend in August, beginning Thursday at 7:00 a.m. through the following Monday at 7:00 p.m. In the event of rain, the Garage Sale Weekend shall be the third weekend in August.
(J) No permit or registration of a garage sale conducted during the Garage Sale Weekend shall be required to conduct a garage sale during that time period.
(K) All the rules and regulations set forth above with respect to individual garage sales shall also apply to garage sales conducted during the Garage Sale Weekend.
(Ord. O-14-2004, passed 11-16-2004) Penalty, see § 111.99