A cluster development approved as a conditional use shall comply with the purpose and approval criteria in Sections 1165.01 and 1165.02 and may vary from the standard requirements of the district as follows in order to achieve the goals of the district.
   (a)   Subdivision of Tract. The entire tract of land proposed for a cluster development shall be considered one zoning lot. Any subdivision of land within the zoning lot, at the election of the applicant, shall not need to comply with the lot area, lot width or yard requirements established for the district in which the cluster development is located.
   (b)   Density. The density of a cluster development shall not exceed 2.0 dwelling units per acre in an R-1 District, 2.5 dwelling units per acre in an R-2 District and 3.3 dwelling units per acre in an R-3 District. The total number of units permitted shall be calculated by multiplying the total land area by the density permitted per acre.
   (c)   Distance from Project Boundary Lines. All dwelling units shall be located no closer than 40 feet to a public right-of-way; 10 feet to the side lot line of the project boundary; and 30 feet to the rear lot line of the project boundary. If the rear of a dwelling unit is parallel to a common side lot line, the distance between the dwelling and side lot line shall be 30 feet.
   (d)   Spacing Between Buildings. In order to ensure reasonable privacy and separation, individual buildings including terraces, decks, and patios shall be separated by at least 15 feet, except that when the windows of living areas and patios, decks and terraces face each other (not side to side), they shall be separated by at least 85 feet. This distance may be reduced to 60 feet when a vision obscuring wall, fence or landscaping is provided between the mutually visible spaces.
   (e)   Access Drives. Cluster developments shall provide adequate ingress and egress for all dwelling units in compliance with the following standards:
      (1)   One common driveway for every eight dwelling units shall be provided to minimize the number of curb cuts.
      (2)   Corner lots shall provide access to the side street only.
      (3)   When it is in the interest of good traffic operation, the Planning Commission and Council may vary these requirements.
   (f)   Requirements for Public Sites. Regardless of the facilities, sites or open space area to be privately or commercially owned and operated, the developer shall provide land for public sites, public parks and/or playgrounds, or public open space as set forth in Section 1185.03.
   (g)   Accessory Uses. Accessory buildings and uses shall comply with the district regulations except that detached garages and parking areas serving more than one dwelling unit shall be located no closer than 10 feet to a side or rear lot line.
   (h)   Additional Standards. Additional site specific development requirements formulated to achieve the objectives of these regulations shall be established at the time the conditional use request and development plan are reviewed. Any dimensional specifications adopted with such plan become binding land use requirements for the cluster development and shall supersede those contained in the district regulations.
      (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)