1165.01 PURPOSE.
   With the overall goal of preserving the predominantly single-family character in Stow, cluster developments may be conditionally permitted in an R-1, R-2 or R-3 Residence District in order to meet the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. These regulations are intended to permit the clustering of single-family homes on lots along major streets where single-family residential development is prevalent and continues to be appropriate for the street but where a standard subdivision is difficult and uneconomical. Clustering of single family homes shall achieve the following objectives:
   (a)   Protect residential property values and preserve the residential character along certain major streets.
   (b)   Encourage infill development along major streets on small lots in residential areas by allowing greater flexibility in lot arrangement and building placement than otherwise permitted.
   (c)   Minimize curb cuts on major streets by requiring the use of common driveways with access only onto side streets.
   (d)   Encourage creative and innovative layout while maintaining the density permitted in the zoning district.
   (e)   Promote economical and efficient use of land through unified development.
   (f)   Ensure development is compatible with the surrounding single-family neighborhood and complies with an approved development plan prepared by the property owner.
      (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)