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   1.   Statement of Intent. This district is intended to accommodate the full range of retail commercial services and products, wholesaling and warehousing, as well as light industrial, laboratory, manufacturing, fabricating and institutional activities in industrial locations. The intended uses are generally characterized by a minimum of obnoxious characteristics which might adversely affect surrounding development. It is intended that the C-LI Commercial/Light Industrial District shall be located in the Urban Expansion Area or Commercial-Industrial Area as shown on the C2C Plan.
(Ord. 317 – Apr. 24 Supp.)
   2.   Principal Permitted Uses. Only the use of structures and/or land listed in this section shall be permitted in the C-LI Commercial/Light Industrial District.
      A.   All uses involving retailing, commercial services and products, professional services to the general public, wholesaling and warehousing.
      B.   All uses involving light industrial, laboratory, manufacturing and fabricating activities, excluding uses specifically permitted and listed in the HI District.
      C.   Child care centers.
   3.   Permitted Accessory Uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in the C-LI Commercial District:
      A.   Accessory buildings.
      B.   Single-family dwellings or a maximum of 50 percent of the gross floor area of a commercial structure may be used for residential purposes.
      C.   Temporary buildings in the following circumstances.
         (1)   Asphalt plants (road work) and construction trailers for use incidental to construction work, which buildings shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.
            a.   Asphalt plants are subject to the following standards:
               i.   Shall meet bulk requirement for other permitted uses.
               ii.   Shall submit a truck routing plan for review and approval by County Engineer as necessary.
               iii.   Shall be required to restore the area to its original state at the end of the use, including removal of any gravel.
               iv.   Shall be limited in duration to the completion of road or other construction project. The plant shall be removed within 30 days of project end. In total, the plant shall not be located on a parcel for more than six (6) months. A three (3) month extension may be granted
               v.   Shall submit an air quality permit, NPDES permit, Emergency Spill Plan, and a list of equipment to be stored on site.
         (2)   Shipping containers, including on a permanent basis, meeting the following requirements:
            a.   Screening and safety:
               i.   Shipping containers shall be screened from view by a screening fence or landscaping.
               ii.   Shipping containers shall be anchored and placed on a hard-surfaced area.
               iii.   The color of the shipping container shall be a non-reflective, unobtrusive color that blends in with the surrounding environment. Further, the shipping containers shall not include branding.
            b.   Location. Shipping containers shall be located behind the principal building.
            c.   Setbacks and Height. Shipping containers shall comply with the setback and height requirements for accessory structures in their applicable zoning district. Shipping containers shall not be stacked unless plans are stamped by a Principal Engineer.
      D.   Non-commercial WECS, subject to the following standards:
         (1)   Tower Height.
            a.   For property sizes under one acre, the tower height shall be limited to 80 feet unless it is necessary to increase the height of the tower to the minimum height necessary so that the bottom of the turbine rotor will clear a wind obstacle within a 500-foot radius by 30 feet.
            b.   For property sizes of one acre or more, there is no limitation on tower height, except as imposed by FAA regulations.
         (2)   Setback. The base of the small wind energy tower shall be set back from all property lines, public rights-of-way, and above ground public utility lines at a distance no less than 115 percent of the total height of the tower.
            a.   The base of a tower shall be allowed closer to a property line if the applicant and abutting property owners grant permission, via recorded easement when required setbacks cross property lines, which restrict new development within the easements. At no time shall a tower be placed closer to a property line if existing structures on affected properties are within 100 percent of the total height of the tower.
         (3)   Noise. Non-commercial WECS shall not exceed 60 dBA, as measured at the closest neighboring dwelling. The level, however, may be exceeded during short-term events such as utility outages and/or severe wind storms.
         (4)   Engineer Certification. A non-commercial WECS, or a small wind energy system mounted on a structure other than a free-standing tower, shall not be erected unless the plans and specifications for the system have received the stamped approval of an Iowa registered engineer. For non-commercial WECS less than 20 kW mounted on a free-standing tower, a manufacturer may submit its standard plans and specifications, including its soils study and foundation plans for such a system, for a one-time review and stamped approval by an Iowa registered engineer as suitable for construction in any soil condition that exists in the State of Iowa. If such one-time stamped approval is obtained, that manufacturer may thereafter construct such small wind energy systems, utilizing the approved soils study and foundation plans, without obtaining and presenting the stamped approval of an Iowa registered engineer for each such installation.
         (5)   Compliance with FAA Regulations. Non-commercial WECS must comply with applicable FAA regulations.
(Ord. 317 – Apr. 24 Supp.)
         (6)   Compliance with National Electric Code. Applications for non-commercial WECS shall be accompanied by a line drawing of the electrical components in sufficient detail to allow for a determination that the manner of installation conforms to the National Electrical Code. This information is frequently supplied by the manufacturer.
         (7)   Utility Notification. No non-commercial WECS shall be installed until evidence has been given that the utility company has been informed of the customer's intent to install an interconnected customer-owned generator, under an agreement approved by and subject to the regulations adopted by the Iowa Utilities Board. Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
         (8)   Insurance. A certificate of insurance shall be provided, showing general liability insurance coverage for the installation and operation of the system under a standard homeowner's or standard business owner's insurance policy, separate and distinct from any insurance requirements of a public utility.
         (9)   Screening and Safety.
            a.   On-site vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practical.
            b.   Any climbing foot pegs or rungs below 12 feet of a freestanding tower shall be removed to prevent unauthorized climbing.
            c.   For lattice or guyed towers, sheets of metal or wood may be fastened to the bottom tower section such that it cannot readily be climbed.
            d.   The color of the turbine shall either be stock color from the manufacturer or painted with a non-reflective, unobtrusive color that blends in with the surrounding environment.
         (10)   Signage. No signs, other than appropriate warning signs, or standard manufacturer's or installer's identification signage, shall be displayed on a wind generator, tower, building, or other structure associated with a small wind energy system, subject to Section 89.02 of this Code of Ordinances, as applicable.
         (11)   Lighting. No illumination of the turbine or tower shall be allowed unless required by the FAA.
      E.   Non-commercial SES, subject to the following standards:
         (1)   Height. Building or roof-mounted non-commercial solar energy systems, whether mounted on the principal building or accessory building, may not exceed the maximum principal use height or accessory use height specified for the use type in the underlying zoning district. In no instance shall any part of the solar energy system extend beyond the edge of the roof. A ground-mounted system shall not exceed the maximum building height for accessory uses.
         (2)   Setback. In no instance shall any part of the solar energy system extend beyond the required setbacks for accessory uses listed in Table 86-7.
         (3)   Solar Panels. Solar panels shall be placed such that concentrated solar radiation or glare is not directed onto nearby properties or roadways.
         (4)   Compliance with FAA Regulations. Non-commercial SES must comply with applicable FAA regulations.
(Ord. 317 – Apr. 24 Supp.)
         (5)   Compliance with National Electric Code. Applications for non-commercial SES shall be accompanied by a line drawing of the electrical components in sufficient detail to allow for a determination that the manner of installation conforms to the National Electrical Code. This information is frequently supplied by the manufacturer.
         (6)   Utility Notification. A non-commercial SES shall not be installed until evidence has been given that the utility company has been informed of the customer's intent to install an interconnected customer-owned generator. Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
   F.   Non-commercial towers, subject to the following standards:
         (1)   Tower Height. For property sizes under one acre, the tower height shall be limited to 80 feet. For property sizes of one acre or more, there is no limitation on tower height, except as imposed by FAA regulations.
         (2)   Setback. The base of the tower shall be set back from all property lines, public rights-of-way, and above ground public utility lines at a distance no less than 115 percent of the total height of the tower.
            a.   Towers shall be allowed closer to a property line if the applicant and abutting property owners grant permission, via recorded easement when required setbacks cross property lines, which restrict new development within the easements. At no time shall a tower be placed closer to a property line if existing structures are within 100 percent of the total height of the tower.
         (3)   Engineer Certification. A tower shall not be erected unless the plans and specifications for the system, have received the stamped approval of an Iowa registered engineer. However, a manufacturer may submit its standard plans and specifications, including its soils study and foundation plans for such a tower for a one-time review and stamped approval by an Iowa registered engineer as suitable for construction in any soil condition that exists in the State of Iowa. If such one-time stamped approval is obtained, that manufacturer may thereafter construct such tower, utilizing the approved soils study and foundation plans, without obtaining and presenting the stamped approval of an Iowa registered engineer for each such installation.
         (4)   Compliance with FAA Regulations. Non-commercial towers must comply with applicable FAA regulations.
(Ord. 317 – Apr. 24 Supp.)
         (5)   Insurance. A certificate of insurance shall be provided, showing general liability insurance coverage for the installation and operation of the tower under a standard homeowner's or standard business owner's insurance policy.
         (6)   Screening and Safety.
            a.   On-site vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practical.
            b.   Any climbing foot pegs or rungs below 12 feet of a freestanding tower shall be removed to prevent unauthorized climbing.
            c.   For lattice or guyed towers, sheets of metal or wood may be fastened to the bottom tower section such that it cannot readily be climbed.
            d.   The color of the tower shall either be stock color from the manufacturer or painted with a non-reflective, unobtrusive color that blends in with the surrounding environment.
         (7)   Signage. No signs, other than appropriate warning signs, or standard manufacturer's or installer's identification signage, shall be displayed on a tower, building, or other structure associated with a tower, subject to Section 89.02 of this Code of Ordinances, as applicable.
         (8)   Lighting. No illumination of the tower shall be allowed unless required by the FAA.
   4.   Conditional Uses. See Chapter 90.
   5.   Bulk Requirements. The bulk requirements listed in Table 86-8 shall apply to all development within the C-LI Commercial/Light Industrial District.
(Ord. 317 – Apr. 24 Supp.)
Table 86-8 - Bulk Requirements - C-LI District
Permitted Uses
Minimum Lot Area (Net)
Front Setback (Min.)
Side Setback (Min.)
Side Setback Corner Lot (Min.)
Flag Yard Setback (Min.)
Rear Setback (Min.)
Lot Width (Min.)
Maximum Structure Height
All uses
no minimum**
50 feet
no minimum*
40 feet
20 feet
20 feet
no minimum
45 feet
*Except when adjoining any residential district or use, in which case 15 feet shall be required.
**May be specified through a conditional use permit.
   6.   General Site Planning Standards. General site planning standards in accordance with Chapter 88, General Site Planning Standards, shall be met.
   7.   Permit Requirements. Permit requirements shall be in accordance with Section 92.11, Required Permits.
   8.   Required Conditions. No use shall be permitted to be established or maintained which by reason of its nature or manner of operation is or may become hazardous, obnoxious, or offensive owing to the emission of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, and vibrations, refuse matter or water-carried waste. All facilities required for the discharge, collection and treatment of liquid, solid or gaseous wastes shall be designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with all statutes and regulations of the State of Iowa and Story County. Conditions addressing such impacts shall be determined at the time of review of required permit and as administered by the Planning and Development Department, noted on the face of the permit. Such permit shall be filed in the office of the Story County Planning and Development Department.