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   1.   Statement of Intent. The RMH District is intended and designed to provide for planned manufactured housing developments, including related recreational, commercial, and other service facilities. The RMH District standards are intended to encourage quality manufactured housing developments while promoting affordable housing and to integrate these developments into the surrounding area. Manufactured housing developments shall be in accordance with the provisions of this section, the regulations of the Story County Board of Health, and applicable State statutes. The RMH District is not intended to allow nonresidential uses such as manufactured housing sales and display areas except such uses that are required for the direct servicing and well-being of its residents and for the management and maintenance of the development. This shall in no way prohibit the sale by the owner of a manufactured home located on a stand and connected to the pertinent utilities.
   2.   Principal Permitted Uses. Only the use of structures or land listed in this section shall be permitted in the RMH Residential Manufactured Housing District.
      A.   Manufactured housing developments. For the purposes of this section, whenever the term "manufactured home" is used it includes "mobile home," as defined in Chapter 85.
   3.   Permitted Accessory Uses. The following are permitted accessory uses:
      A.   Subordinate buildings or structures that are in addition to or supplement the facilities provided by a manufactured home, such as awnings, cabanas, storage structures, garages, carports, and porches.
      B.   Common facility service buildings or community buildings intended exclusively for the use of the manufactured housing development's residents, including recreational vehicle and boat storage area, laundry facilities, sanitary facilities, recreational facilities, storm shelter facilities, or non-automotive commercial uses supplying essential goods or services.
      C.   Management buildings, maintenance buildings, one dwelling unit to be occupied by the owner or administrator of the development, and other uses similar in nature.
      D.   Home business in a dwelling.
      E.   Temporary buildings in the following circumstances:
         (1)   Construction trailers for use incidental to construction work, which buildings shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.
      F.   Child care homes.
   4.   Conditional Uses. See Chapter 90. Conditional uses shall meet applicable external separation standard requirements in Section 86 and yard requirements in Table 86-7, unless otherwise specified by the Board of Adjustment.
   5.   Area Requirements and External Separation Standards.
      A.   Minimum Area. The minimum area for a manufactured housing development shall be five acres.
      B.   Separation Standards.
         (1)   No part of any manufactured home or other structure shall be located within 30 feet of any public road right-of-way or within 15 feet of any exterior boundary of the development.
   6.   Bulk Requirements.
      A.   The maximum lot area to be covered by all structures shall not exceed 50 percent.
      B.   The bulk requirements listed in Table 86-7 shall apply to all development within the Residential Manufactured Housing District.
Table 86-7- Lot Area and Yard Requirements - RMH District
Minimum Lot Area (Net)
Front Setback (Min.) For manufactured homes and their accessory structures, measured from the front edge of the interior street to the closest point of the lower face of the manufactured home, excluding hitch or tongue.
Separation From Homes (Min.)
Rear Setback (Min)
Maximum Structure Height
Single Unit Wide
5,000 square feet
10 feet
20 feet
10 feet
18 feet
Double Wide Unit (exceeding 20 feet wide)
6,000 square feet
10 feet
20 feet
10 feet
18 feet
Accessory Structures
no minimum
24 feet
6 feet
3 feet
18 feet
Common facility service buildings or community buildings
no minimum
30 feet
20 feet
3 feet
40 feet
   7.   Off-Street Parking and Loading. Parking spaces shall be paved and durable and well drained under normal use and weather conditions. No part of any parking stall shall be closer than five feet to any interior street line.
   8.   Visitor Parking. Visitor parking shall be provided in the amount of one space per four manufactured home lots, and located so as to be easily accessible to all homes within the development.
   9.   Manufactured Housing Development Standards. The following are the minimum requirements for manufactured housing developments:
      A.   Common Open Space. A minimum of 500 square feet for each single wide lot area and a minimum of 600 square feet for each double wide lot area shall be provided for one or more common open space areas that shall be easily accessible to all residents. The required area shall be computed in addition to the minimum lot area specified herein. At least 50 percent of the common open space shall be of a character suitable for active recreation and shall provide recreational equipment and facilities. Recreational equipment and facilities may include playgrounds, ball fields, indoor recreation areas, swimming pools, hobby shops, and similar uses.
      B.   On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Water Utilities. On-site wastewater treatment and water facilities shall be provided for each home in accordance with all applicable State statutes and regulations. No manufactured home shall be occupied unless it is served by common on-site wastewater treatment and water supply. Any waste treatment lagoon or other common treatment facility constructed in conjunction with the development shall be located not less than 75 feet from any public road, interior street, or lot line. In the case of a lagoon, this distance shall be measured from the outside toe of the levee slope and be at least 250 feet from the nearest unit, structure, or open space area.
      C.   Home Site and Installations. Each home shall be installed on a site in accordance with the support and anchoring systems as prescribed by State statutes.
      D.   Utility Lines. The Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Supervisors may require that all electric, telephone and cable TV lines be installed underground. If overhead utility lines or wires are permitted, they shall be placed in easements provided in the rear of the lots. In their determination on whether or not to require underground utilities, the Commission or Board may consider that soil, topographical or other conditions make such installation within the development unreasonable or impractical.
      E.   Skirting. Skirting of a permanent type material and construction shall be installed within 60 days of installation of the manufactured home to enclose the open space between the bottom of the home floor and the grade level. This skirting shall be maintained in an attractive manner consistent with the exterior of the home and to preserve the appearance of the development.
      F.   Walkways. Provision and maintenance of a common walkway system may be required between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated and where pedestrian and vehicular traffic might interfere with one another. Such common walks shall meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
      G.   Streets.
         (1)   Pavement widths shall meet the following requirements:
            a.   Two-way with no on-street parking: 20 feet minimum.
            b.   Two-way with on-street parking one side: 28 feet minimum.
            c.   Two-way with on-street parking both sides: 36 feet minimum.
         (2)   Street Improvements. All streets shall be designed to the following standards:
            a.   Portland Cement Concrete: six inches;
            b.   Asphaltic Cement Concrete: four and one-half-inch base course with a one and one-half-inch surface course.
            c.   All construction work and materials incorporated into an approved development shall meet all requirements of the Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) Design Manual and Standards Manual.
         (3)   Relation to Adjoining Street Systems. As appropriate, a new manufactured home development, or any expansion to an existing development, shall make provision for the continuation of existing streets in the adjoining area.
      H.   Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided for all streets, walkways, buildings, and other facilities subject to night-time use. Lighting shall comply with the requirements of Section 88.09, Site Lighting.
      I.   Fire Protection Access. Access for fire protection services shall be such as to permit fire apparatus to approach within at least 100 feet of each manufactured home or as determined by the applicable Fire Chief.
      J.   Storm Shelter Requirements. Every manufactured/mobile home community of 10 or more manufactured/mobile home spaces shall be provided with above- or below-grade storm shelters which shall:
         (1)   Have a minimum floor area of seven square feet for each manufactured/mobile home space in said manufactured/mobile home community.
         (2)   Be designed by a structural engineer or architect licensed in the State of Iowa.
         (3)   Be located no further than 1,320 linear feet from the furthest manufactured/mobile home space in the manufactured/mobile home community or so that all manufactured housing development's residents may reach the shelter within a maximum time of five minutes, whichever is more restrictive.
         (5)   Include a restroom.
      K.   Any common facility service buildings, community buildings, or other amenities available for all manufactured housing development's residents shall meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
   10.   Site Development Plan. Prior to the issuance of a permit for the construction or expansion of a manufactured housing development, a comprehensive site plan shall be submitted for review and approval of the Board of Supervisors after review and recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Board of Supervisors may approve the plan or require such changes as are deemed necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of the Ordinance. The site plan shall be at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch, and shall show at a minimum the following:
      A.   Name and address of the owner and developer and the title under which the proposed development is to be known. Also, north point, scale, date, name and address of the surveyor and engineer, as appropriate.
      B.   The complete legal description, including area, of the property to be developed.
      C.   A vicinity sketch at a scale of not more than 500 feet to the inch shall be shown on or accompany the site development plan. This sketch shall show how streets in the proposed development may connect with existing and proposed streets and roads in the surrounding area, and shall show the location of any nearby parks, schools, or other public facilities.
      D.   The location of property lines and boundary dimensions of the tract of land and all such surface and subsurface features as may affect the development of the land.
      E.   The number, location, and dimensions of all manufactured/mobile home lots, stands and parking areas.
      F.   The location and width of streets and walkways and proposed names for all streets in the development.
      G.   The location of recreation areas and facilities, including community buildings, playgrounds, ball fields, indoor recreation areas, swimming pools, hobby shops, and similar uses;
      H.   The location of storm shelter facilities.
      I.   The location and manner of lighting to be provided for all streets, walkways, buildings and other facilities subject to common use.
      J.   The location and size of existing and proposed water, sewer, gas, electric, cable TV, telephone and other utility lines and facilities.
      K.   Approval by appropriate agencies of the plans for and specifications of the water supply and wastewater treatment facilities.
      L.   Existing contours shown at intervals of not more than five feet, provided, however that a minimum of two contours shall be shown. Contour intervals of less than five feet may be required at the County Engineer's discretion.
      M.   Landscape plan showing the location, size and description of all proposed and existing plant materials, existing plant materials to be removed, and existing plant materials to be retained. The landscape plan shall define how the following are achieved:
         (1)   Define private outdoor living and recreation space;
         (2)   Screen undesirable views;
         (3)   Reduce adverse effects upon the subject property and adjacent and nearby property;
         (4)   Buffer noise and objectionable light;
         (5)   Provide for shade, protection from elements and the comfort convenience of residents;
         (6)   Lighting; and
         (7)   Fencing.
      N.   For areas to be phased in at a later date, the site development plan shall show a conceptual layout illustrating general street and lot arrangements, location of open space areas, etc. All required plans, specifications and approvals must be received prior to development of each subsequent phase. The minimum size for any construction phase within an approved manufactured home development shall be as follows:
         (1)   Phase 1 shall include a minimum of 25 percent of the number of manufactured/mobile home spaces indicated in the total plan approved, but in no event less than 10 spaces, and shall be completed within one calendar year from the date of commencement of construction.
         (2)   Each subsequent construction phase shall contain a minimum of 15 percent of the total number of manufactured/mobile home spaces shown on the approved plan.
         (3)   Proportionate open space areas as required by the Ordinance shall be met for each construction phase.
      O.   General site planning standards in accordance with Chapter 88, General Site Planning Standards, shall be met.
      P.   Other information as identified by the Director for a complete analysis of the proposed application.
   11.   Waivers. Whenever the tract proposed to be developed is of such unusual size, character, or shape or is surrounded by such development or unusual conditions that the strict application of the requirements contained in the Ordinance would result in substantial hardships or injustices, the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the Commission may waive requirements to the end that the developer is allowed to develop the property in a reasonable manner; provided, however, all such waivers granted hereunder shall be in harmony with the intended spirit of the Ordinance and granted with the view toward protecting the public interest and welfare. Application for such waiver to the requirements of the Ordinance shall be made in writing by the developer at the time of filing of the site development plan, and shall specifically state the requirements and the sections of the Ordinance to be considered. In deciding whether to grant a waiver, the Board of Supervisors shall consider all legal principles outlined in Section 92.03(4) of this Code of Ordinances.
      A.   In no case shall any waiver be more than a minimum easing of the requirements. In no case shall it have the effect of reducing the traffic capacity of any street or be in conflict with any ordinance.
      B.   Recommendation by the Commission for approval of such waiver must be the affirmative vote of the majority of the Commission membership.
      C.   In recommending waivers, the Commission may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the requirements so waived.
   12.   Modifications. Minor modifications to the approved site development plan are permissible upon authorization by the Director.
      A.   A modification is minor if it has no substantial impact on neighboring properties, the general public, or those intended to use or occupy the proposed development.
      B.   All other requests for modifications to the approved site development plan will be processed as new applications. New conditions may be imposed by the Board of Supervisors, but the applicant retains the right to reject such new conditions by withdrawing the request for modifications and proceeding under the terms and conditions of the original permit.
      C.   The permit holder requesting approval of modifications shall submit a written request (including plans as necessary) to the Director, and the request shall specifically identify the modifications. The Director shall determine whether the proposed modification is minor.
      D.   Approval of all modifications must be given in writing.
   13.   Permit Requirements. Permit requirements shall be in accordance with Section 92.11, Required Permits.
   14.   Required Conditions. No use shall be permitted to be established or maintained which by reason of its nature or manner of operation is or may become hazardous, obnoxious, or offensive owing to the emission of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, and vibrations, refuse matter or water-carried waste. All facilities required for the discharge, collection and treatment of liquid, solid or gaseous wastes shall be designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with all statutes and regulations of the State of Iowa and Story County. Conditions addressing such impacts shall be determined at the time of review of required permit and as administered by the Planning and Development Department, noted on the face of the permit. Such permit shall be filed in the office of the Story County Planning and Development Department.