All private or house drains laid in the village must be constructed in accordance with the following rules and regulations.
   (A)   Sewer connections shall be constructed of vitrified tile pipe of not less than six inches internal diameter and shall be laid with a fall toward the sewer of not less than one-eighth inch per running foot. All pipe shall be laid on a uniform grade and in a direct line to the sewer connection. The pipe shall be connected to the existing wye branch in the street sewer and, if no wye branch is available, one shall be installed.
   (B)   All joints shall be tightly closed with oakum and cement mortar or emulsified asphalt so that no infiltration of ground water is possible. Bell holes shall be dug for each pipe so the pipe shall have a uniform and firm bearing along the whole length of the bottom of the pipe.
   (C)   After completion of the laying of the pipe, soil shall be placed on each side and over the pipe and thoroughly tamped to a depth of six inches above the pipe, care being used not to have any rocks in this soil. The balance of the trench shall be backfilled with the soil excavated therefrom. Where excavation is made under the streets or alleys, the excavation shall be backfilled with sand or screening, thoroughly tamped and puddled up to the base of the street or alley and the street or alley restored to its original condition.
   (D)   Wherever any sewer is laid under a building, it shall be constructed of cast iron pipe of not less than six inches internal diameter with the joints thoroughly sealed with oakum and caulked with lead and shall extend five feet beyond the building wall.
   (E)   Wherever there is an existing septic tank, the connection of the house drain to the sewer shall be made in the drain from the house to the tank before the sewage enters the septic tank.
   (F)   Each dwelling or commercial building within the village shall have separate connection with the public sewers or drains of the village.
(Prior Code, § 51.02) Penalty, see § 51.99