It is the policy of the village to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the village by eliminating blight and deterioration in its neighborhoods and the elimination of such blight and deterioration and the redevelopment of such properties constitutes a public use and purpose for which public money may be expended. Accordingly, the Blight Elimination Program is hereby created to foster land reuse, repurposing and or redevelopment that benefits the residential community of the village and helps reduce blight, property devaluation, public nuisances, vandalism, and crime.
(Ord. 22-13, passed 4-26-2022)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BLIGHTED PROPERTY. Those residential premises:
(1) That because of their physical condition or use are regarded as a public nuisance;
(2) That because of their physical condition are considered an attractive nuisance to children by reason of structures and appurtenances thereon or therein, including, but not limited to, abandoned homes, basements, excavations, or the unsafe condition of any structures thereon;
(3) That are dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe, vermin infested, or are lacking in the facilities and equipment required by the Village Code to be fit for human occupation;
(4) That are designated by the Village Building Inspector as being unfit for human habitation;
(5) That are a fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to the safety of persons or property;
(6) That are no longer connected to electrical, water, gas, sewer or utilities as required by the Village Code so that the property is unfit for human habitation;
(7) That, by reason of neglect, has become a place for the accumulation of trash and debris and or a haven for rodents and vermin; or
(8) That have not been rehabilitated within the time constraints placed upon the owner by the appropriate code enforcement agency.
(Ord. 22-13, passed 4-26-2022)
The village shall have the authority to acquire by purchase, gift, bequest, eminent domain, negotiation or otherwise, blighted property and to hold, raze, manage, redevelop, including but not limited to, the construction and or renovation of residential homes on blighted property, and dispose of said property all in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section and as otherwise permitted by law. The village shall also have the authority to acquire real estate adjacent to any blighted property, if, in the reasonable opinion of the village, the acquisition of such adjacent real estate will further the redevelopment of the blighted property.
(Ord. 22-13, passed 4-26-2022)