A.   Scope: As a condition of the issuance, continuation or renewal of a business license, the applicant shall, upon reasonable demand, permit continuing inspections of the place of business or other activity to ensure compliance with all applicable business, zoning, health, building, fire and/or safety regulations. The Town Clerk may refuse to issue a license or may suspend or revoke a license if the applicant or licensee should for any reason fail or refuse to cooperate with such an inspection. The Fire Department may determine who may or may not do an in home self-inspection. Self-inspections will only be those with no chemicals and/or customers coming onto the property for the conduction of business. The Fire Department will inspect businesses with any type of chemicals and/or customers coming onto the premises to conduct business.
   B.   Authority: The Planning Commission, Building Department, Fire Department and Health Department are hereby authorized and empowered to examine and inspect all places of business to verify that businesses authorized by the license issued are carried on in accordance with this chapter and other applicable laws. They must enter any building or premises during regular business hours, or, if there are no regular business hours, shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If the property owner or other responsible person refuses entry or inspection of the property, the commission or department may obtain and execute a search warrant. The commission or department shall report to the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney all persons doing business without a license and instances of conduct by any party or business other than what is covered by the license issued. (Ord. 05-01, 1-10-2005)