The Town may furnish water service from its water system to persons outside its corporate limits in accordance with the provisions of the following subsections:
   A.   Petition: Any person located outside the Town limits desiring to be supplied with water services from the Town water system and being willing to pay in advance the whole expense of extending the water system to his property, including the cost of extending the water main from its present location to the Town limits, may make application to the Town Council by petition containing:
      1.   A description of the proposed extension;
      2.   Accompanied by a map showing the location thereof;
      3.   An offer to pay the whole expense incurred by the Town in providing such extension and to advance such expense as said expense shall be certified to by the Watermaster. The Town Council and the person or persons seeking such extension may enter into an agreement providing in detail the terms under which the extension may be utilized by others in the future and the terms under which all or any portion of the cost of installing such extension may be refunded;
      4.   An acknowledgement that the Town, in granting said petition, engages to supply only such water to petitioner which from time to time the Town Council deems beyond the requirements of water users with the Town limits;
      5.   An acknowledgement that such extension shall be the property of and subject to the control of the Town; and
      6.   An agreement to be bound by and comply with all ordinances and resolutions of the Town then in force or thereafter adopted and to pay for the water service provided at a rate to be fixed and from time to time adjusted by the Town Council.
   B.   Extensions: All extensions of Town water mains will be approved by the Town Engineer. Drawings must be provided by a State Engineer. All work will be done by bonded, certified contractors.
   C.   Costs Furnished: Upon receipt of such petition and map and before the petition is granted, the Town Council may determine what portion, if any, of the extension of the Town water mains to the Town limits the Town shall construct, and shall obtain from the Watermaster or Town Engineer a certified statement showing the whole cost and expense of making such extensions. Such costs and expenses shall include administrative and supervisory expenditures of the Water Department, which shall in no event be deemed to be less than ten percent (10%) of the cost of materials and labor. (Ord. 1-80, 2-4-1980; amd. 2017 Code)